#archlinux32 | Logs for 2024-05-31

[00:28:57] -!- drathir_tor has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:34:46] -!- drathir_tor has joined #archlinux32
[05:45:50] -!- AtleoS has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[05:46:55] -!- AtleoS has joined #archlinux32
[07:12:55] mavicaway is now known as mavica
[07:46:24] -!- ssserpent has joined #archlinux32
[07:59:15] -!- hexagenic has joined #archlinux32
[09:37:18] -!- ssserpent has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.2.2]
[09:38:24] -!- ssserpent has joined #archlinux32
[10:30:12] -!- ssserpent has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.3.0]
[10:31:26] -!- ssserpent has joined #archlinux32
[10:50:23] mavica is now known as mavicaway
[11:25:11] -!- jacko1 has joined #archlinux32
[11:28:07] <jacko1> im currently spending some time looking into mupdf. it's broken on testing, but working fine on stable. it gives the error
[11:28:37] <jacko1> mupdf: error while loading shared libraries: libgumbo.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[11:29:38] <jacko1> based on my arch x64 installation, it looks like there should be a /usr/lib/libgumbo.so.2 file and it's missing on my machine.
[11:30:28] <jacko1> Anyway will keep looking and will test the version in staging too. and hopefully build it.
[11:34:10] <KitsuWhooa> probably because it was built against the library in staging
[11:34:17] <KitsuWhooa> you should probably check staging in a chroot instead of testing
[11:34:27] <KitsuWhooa> that's where all newly built stuff goes to
[11:34:43] <KitsuWhooa> if it works there, then we need to move whatever package from staging to testing
[11:35:06] <KitsuWhooa> for what it's worth, I expect staging to be mostly broken right now
[11:35:28] <KitsuWhooa> there was a new ICU recently
[12:28:50] -!- jacko1 has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[12:40:43] -!- AtleoS has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[12:41:01] -!- AtleoS has joined #archlinux32
[12:50:07] -!- hexagenic has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.2.2]
[14:24:25] -!- hexagenic has joined #archlinux32
[15:56:15] -!- drathir_tor has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[16:02:02] -!- ssserpent has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[16:04:08] -!- ssserpent has joined #archlinux32
[16:05:06] -!- drathir_tor has joined #archlinux32
[16:42:02] -!- drathir_tor has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[16:48:20] -!- drathir_tor has joined #archlinux32
[17:15:30] -!- morriset has joined #archlinux32
[17:25:48] -!- ssserpent has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.3.0]
[18:09:50] -!- morriset has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[18:26:40] -!- AtleoS has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[18:27:00] -!- AtleoS has joined #archlinux32
[21:31:28] -!- hexagenic has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.2.2]
[22:02:36] <KillerWasp> !ops
[22:02:37] <phrik> KillerWasp: Error: no list of ops to ping configured for this channel.
[22:03:05] <KillerWasp> dont exist anymore a channel of operators?
[23:28:07] mavicaway is now known as mavica
[23:51:28] -!- dmc has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.2.2]
[23:52:11] -!- dmc has joined #archlinux32
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[23:53:31] -!- dmc has joined #archlinux32
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