#archlinux32 | Logs for 2024-06-13

[00:56:02] <ben2> ended up not having ethernet... but it did have a hard-disk with windows me on it.. so i suppose in theory i could probably get files onto that and jig it up without ethernet.. but feels a bit cumbersome
[00:56:51] <ben2> so i'm getting an ethernet card.. also the cdrom drive won't eject... so i'm still going to have to figure out how to install.. i have a usb2 card but i doubt bios would support usbstick from that
[00:57:09] <ben2> hopefully the ethernet card will have a bootrom, it was kind of hard to tell from the pic
[00:57:23] <ben2> but i saw an i logo.. which is probably a good sign for bootrom
[00:58:16] <ben2> i think it's probably a 21143 though rather than those newer intel ones
[00:58:26] <ben2> it lokos like what i remember those looking like
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[03:38:40] <KillerWasp> ben2: hello. for cdrom drive you can use a clip for put in the init hole, this make a force eject.
[03:38:51] <KillerWasp> tiny hole*
[03:40:11] <KillerWasp> and maybe you can install certain driver for use a usb stick like a ethernet card.
[03:51:33] -!- ssserpent has joined #archlinux32
[04:17:01] <ben2> i have a 2.5gbe usb ethernet
[04:17:07] <ben2> i might have a gigabit one somewhere
[04:17:16] <ben2> i doubt winme or dos will work with those
[04:17:22] <ben2> but i suppose if i can boot linux it could
[04:17:43] <ben2> hopefully the network card i'm buying comes soon it'll make it easier :)
[04:18:01] <ben2> actually
[04:18:04] <ben2> i got a serial port card too
[04:18:09] <ben2> i might be able to 921600 serial :)
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[04:53:15] <KillerWasp> ben2: serial port is only use for peer to peer, and you must configure it with special drivers or programs, all a mess.
[04:53:53] <KillerWasp> like worse that a phone modem.
[04:56:34] <KillerWasp> Maybe there is some driver or program made by nerds that adds a TCP/IP or UDP layer to a serial port. Maybe it's bearable if all this amuses you.
[05:03:12] <mavica> anyone else have trouble spelling archlinux right the first time around cause i keep typing archilinux
[05:03:33] <mavica> thanks for coming to my ted talk
[05:12:08] <KillerWasp> mavica: no, i never had the problem. :/
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[06:19:29] <mavica> skill issue!!
[06:58:19] <ben2> yeh serial isn't ideal
[06:58:31] <ben2> i mean should be able to do ppp over it
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