#archlinux32 | Logs for 2025-02-19

[20:08:12] -!- titus_livius has joined #archlinux32
[20:09:52] -!- titus_livius has joined #archlinux32
[20:11:53] -!- girls has quit [Quit: ZNC 1.9.1 - https://znc.in]
[20:12:57] -!- girls has joined #archlinux32
[20:20:09] -!- jacobk has joined #archlinux32
[21:01:37] -!- jacobk has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
[21:26:19] <KillerWasp> !paste
[21:26:20] <phrik> Paste short snippets (up to 3 lines) in channel. Please do NOT use pastebin.com or paste.ubuntu.com -- some good, sane paste services are http://0x0.st, https://paste.rs, https://bpaste.net and https://gist.github.com. See !0x0, !rs or !gist for an easy way to paste from the cli.
[21:26:30] <KillerWasp> !gist
[21:26:32] <phrik> Install `github-cli`, authenticate with `gh auth` and then: `<command to print output> |& gh gist create`, or just open <https://gist.github.com>
[21:27:38] <KillerWasp> paste.rs is dead?
[21:27:44] <KillerWasp> 0x0.st also.
[21:28:00] <KillerWasp> you must clean those two from the phrik...
[21:45:55] <bill-auger> termbin.com is the easiest and cleanest of all - that entire !paste advice could simply be "do this: `_any_command_ | nc termbiin.com 9999`"
[21:48:03] <bill-auger> and best of all, the result is plain text - no HTML or JS, no sounds, no ads, no "download" or "share" button - only the raw input text is presented - very hacker-friendly
[21:48:47] <KillerWasp> bill-auger: thanks. I create a new batch file. 🙂
[21:49:28] <bill-auger> KillerWasp: https://git.parabola.nu
[21:49:29] <phrik> Title: ppaste « bin - parabola-laf.git - User skeleton, artwork, and utilities for Parabola graphical desktop systems (at git.parabola.nu)
[21:51:22] <KillerWasp> bill-auger: cat "$1" | ncat termbin.com 9999
[21:51:25] <KillerWasp> is correct?
[21:51:31] <KillerWasp> i only get timeout
[22:34:42] <bill-auger> just use my script
[22:35:02] <bill-auger> $ _any_command_ | ppaste
[22:35:56] <bill-auger> $ cat afile | ppaste
[22:35:56] <bill-auger> $ echo some text | ppaste
[22:36:10] <bill-auger> it leaves very little to remember that way
[22:37:27] <bill-auger> also, under X, ppaste puts the URL on the clipboard automatically
[22:38:12] <bill-auger> which is almost always the very next thing people will do after a web-paste
[22:39:57] <KillerWasp> bill-auger: i use ncat, no netcat or nc. I will change the script.
[22:40:55] <KillerWasp> termbin.com don't work.
[22:42:30] <KillerWasp> !web termbin.com
[22:42:30] <phrik> KillerWasp: Say what?
[22:42:40] <bill-auger> that is odd - it is probalby temporary - ive been using it almost daily for years
[22:43:28] <KillerWasp> https://0x0.st
[22:43:48] <KillerWasp> 0x0.st work good again later of 5 years in broken mode.
[23:33:02] <bill-auger> oh well, the best feature of all, is that it (fiche) is libre and self-hostable - if termbin.com stays down, i will setup my own instance