#archlinux-ports | Logs for 2017-05-28

[00:01:32] -!- joekamprad has joined #archlinux-ports
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[02:05:22] <phillid> Why does it need to coexist?
[02:06:18] -!- kerberizer has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[06:43:25] -!- Faalagorn has joined #archlinux-ports
[07:00:56] ztrawhcse is now known as eschwartz
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[08:21:09] -!- alexandre9099_ has joined #archlinux-ports
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[09:06:04] -!- joekamprad has joined #archlinux-ports
[09:11:01] -!- deep42thought has joined #archlinux-ports
[09:18:25] <deep42thought> phillid: I get tons of trouble on the build slave otherwise. It reads the mirror list at so many times - and (as I learned) not only the mirror list inside the chroot. If the i686 packages fall behind the x86_64 packages, it tries do sync the new versions (which are only available on x86_64) for (or inside) the chroot.
[09:19:51] <deep42thought> The cleanest way to fix this seems for me to hardcode our mirror or a different mirrorlist inside the pacman configurations of the devtools(32) - since those are already inserted in the right places.
[09:29:59] <deep42thought> To my first post: The problem with the desync of versions is currently, that the x86_64 mirror currently also has (new) i686 packages - while "our" i686 mirror has older versions. In the future the problem will become vice versa: the x86_64 mirror will have older i686 packages or no i686 packages at all.
[10:11:04] <phillid> Oh I see, on the build slave that would cause issues
[10:11:35] <deep42thought> yeah, maybe it's overkill to put the mirrorlist in a separate place on the i686 machines themselve
[10:11:58] <phillid> Once arch stops providing i686 packages in their mirrorlists it should be a non-issue like you say
[10:14:28] <deep42thought> I don't think the issue will vanish when arch drops i686 - it will see the old packages and won't upgrade at all, I think
[10:16:52] -!- joekamprad has quit [Quit: joekamprad]
[10:37:03] -!- Faalagorn has joined #archlinux-ports
[10:44:27] <phillid> Oh, not until the new builds are put into that db and it is updated?
[10:47:13] <deep42thought> this would require us to make a merge-mirror
[10:47:23] <deep42thought> one, that can be used by x86_64 and i686
[10:47:45] <deep42thought> and I think, that's a bad idea for the mirror master, because all i686-mirrors would need to mirror x86_64, too
[10:47:46] <deep42thought> then
[11:34:35] <deep42thought> or do you suggest we should apply for uploading i686 packages to the official archlinux.org mirror?
[11:42:01] <phillid> I doubt that would be allowed
[11:43:05] <phillid> Why does the mirror list external to the chroot keep getting referenced in the first place?
[11:43:28] <deep42thought> e.g. pacstrap in mkarchroot uses this
[11:44:20] <deep42thought> also not all 'pacman -Syu' and 'pacman -U ...' are executed inside the chroot, but only with changed root
[11:45:51] <deep42thought> it's an awful lot of invocations to check :-/
[11:56:25] <deep42thought> phillid: If you want to have a look into this, I'd be glad to have some help :-) Just clone the current devtools32 and try to compile 0ad from community (That's what I test at)
[12:44:27] -!- eschwartz has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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[13:34:45] -!- p71_ has joined #archlinux-ports
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[14:02:02] -!- wyre has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[14:16:00] <rewbycraft> Since I quite like the goal of this community project, I'd like to offer a mirror for the archlinux32 repositories when they come online. Is there somebody I should talk to about that?
[14:16:00] <rewbycraft> (I have several servers with several terabytes of space, unmetered bandwidth and DDoS protected IPs. Bandwidth and disk space are not a problem)
[14:16:41] <deep42thought> you can sync from rsync://mirror.archlinux32.org
[14:18:36] <deep42thought> it should be rsync://mirror.archlinux32.org I think
[14:18:57] <deep42thought> currently, there is not much on it for syncing, but it will be :-)
[14:19:09] <deep42thought> btw: Thanks for your offer!
[14:19:10] <rewbycraft> Got an estimation of size?
[14:19:14] <rewbycraft> I need to set the disk space on the vm
[14:19:22] <deep42thought> currently 38G
[14:19:26] <rewbycraft> (I can grow it, but I don't like doing that)
[14:19:31] <rewbycraft> I'll just set 64G
[14:19:33] <rewbycraft> Should be plenty
[14:20:33] <rewbycraft> deep42thought: I have a few 32bit arch machines which I want to keep going. And I have capacity so I don't mind giving back to the community
[14:21:07] <deep42thought> same here
[14:21:52] <rewbycraft> Hm. Should I be lazy and just use the working ubuntu images I have on that vm host to run the mirror or do some effort and setup an arch vm
[14:21:57] <rewbycraft> Decisions decisions
[14:24:26] <deep42thought> for the really "important" decisions I usually use a coin
[14:24:44] <deep42thought> this way, there's nobody to blame ;-)
[14:25:01] <rewbycraft> I'll see if I can get an arch image working
[14:25:14] <rewbycraft> The openstack images are still a WIP as far as I know
[14:25:20] <rewbycraft> So deploying them is always a bit janky
[14:28:25] <deep42thought> ah, and once you have a mirror running, drop me a note so I can add it to the mirror list (or just open a pull request on the file on github)
[14:28:43] <rewbycraft> I'll drop you a note
[14:28:51] <rewbycraft> It's uploading the latest arch image to the cluster as we speak
[14:32:07] <rewbycraft> deep42thought: I saw there was a discussion about mirror hostnames on the ml. Should I just use my own DNS or wait for that discussion to pan out?
[14:32:38] <deep42thought> i think, the conlusion was to not distribute archlinux32.org subdomains
[14:32:47] <deep42thought> so: just take your own dns :-)
[14:32:52] <rewbycraft> All right. Easy then
[14:34:36] <rewbycraft> And the vm is up. Nice
[14:34:44] <deep42thought> :-)
[14:38:32] <rewbycraft> Let's see if I remember how rsync works
[14:39:01] <deep42thought> I think, there is a guide on the wiki
[14:39:13] <deep42thought> i mean for setting up a mirror
[14:39:49] <rewbycraft> I know. But I wanna see how much of it I remember
[14:40:15] <deep42thought> you really want to dig through all those flags in the man page? respect!
[14:40:42] <rewbycraft> I like knowing how to use the tools I use
[14:40:42] <rewbycraft> Sure, I can copy-pasta
[14:40:44] <rewbycraft> But that doesn't teach me anything
[14:41:01] <deep42thought> I'm not saying it's a bad idea
[15:00:42] <rewbycraft> deep42thought: Syncing now! Set it to daily for now.
[15:18:07] <deep42thought> looks good on my end
[16:09:05] -!- isacdaavid has joined #archlinux-ports
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[16:32:27] -!- eschwartz has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[16:45:31] <rewbycraft> Oh wonderful. Due to hsts on the top-domain I need to https the mirror. Which is fine. Except letsencrypt decided to derp so it hit the rate-limit for the next few hours
[16:45:45] <rewbycraft> It is working though
[16:46:16] <rewbycraft> (What annoys me is that the letsencrypt staging env is perfectly happy with the setup. But production isn't...)
[16:47:33] <alexandre9099> hi, i'm trying to run steam vrserver, but when ldd vrserver i get "libSDL2-2.0.so.0 => not found" where can i get libsdl?
[16:48:26] <brtln> alexandre9099: wrong channel
[16:48:44] <brtln> $ pacman -Fsq libSDL2-2.0.so.0 ⏎
[16:48:45] <brtln> extra/sdl2
[16:48:45] <brtln> multilib/lib32-sdl2
[16:49:06] <brtln> use #archlinux next time for non-devops questions
[16:49:16] <brtln> er, non-ports questions
[16:50:35] <alexandre9099> (cmon, first i went to #linux, then i meant to go to #archlinux, but i misclicked #archlinux-ports .... grrr)
[16:51:44] <brtln> ;)
[16:53:01] <alexandre9099> thanks :)
[16:56:49] <alexandre9099> brtln, btw, tha -Fsq flag searches for files, right?
[16:57:03] <brtln> yes, you need to sync files db first with -Fy though
[16:58:59] <alexandre9099> so -Sy and -Fy are different?
[17:00:30] <brtln> correct
[17:00:43] <brtln> pacman is fact because its core doesn't have much to do
[17:01:00] <brtln> dnf is considered sluggish because it syncs files database with packages database
[17:01:52] <alexandre9099> interesting :) thanks a lot
[17:02:17] <brtln> pick your poison
[17:03:54] <rewbycraft> deep42thought: Finally... Took some fiddling with letsencrypt, but I got the mirror up at https://archlinux32.mirror.roelf.org let me know if there is anything else I need to do.
[17:07:07] <deep42thought> rewbycraft: looks good. Thanks!
[17:07:36] <rewbycraft> deep42thought: Just know it's https only due to HSTS on top level domain
[17:08:40] <deep42thought> currently, I have no record, which mirror supports which protocol(s) - it's just a mirrorlist with one protocol per mirror
[17:08:53] <rewbycraft> Ah
[17:09:04] <rewbycraft> I can add ftp in the future if it matters
[17:09:11] <rewbycraft> But for now, I think https should work just fine
[17:37:01] <deep42thought> does archlinux itself have ftp mirrors?
[17:38:09] <rewbycraft> I think so
[17:41:17] <deep42thought> I can't find any in the mirrorlist
[17:46:04] <rewbycraft> No. I thought there used to be
[17:46:06] -!- joekamprad has joined #archlinux-ports
[17:46:11] <rewbycraft> Could be wrong
[17:46:35] <rewbycraft> I've been wrong before
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