#archlinux-ports | Logs for 2017-07-20

[00:08:22] -!- tyzoid has joined #archlinux-ports
[00:09:57] <tyzoid> Okay, so deep42thought, you said you had an issue with the test vagrant box?
[00:10:07] <deep42thought> yeah, let me reproduce the error
[00:11:05] <deep42thought> https://pastebin.com
[00:11:07] <phrik> Title: $ vagrant up Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider... ==> d - Pastebin.com (at pastebin.com)
[00:11:10] <deep42thought> maybe it's the ssh issue?
[00:12:16] <tyzoid> deep42thought: Doesn't look like it
[00:12:23] <tyzoid> deep42thought: Did you update vbox without rebooting perhaps?
[00:12:32] <deep42thought> possibly
[00:12:40] <deep42thought> yeah, I think sp
[00:12:41] <deep42thought> so
[00:12:45] <tyzoid> deep42thought: I'm doing a test on my machine, so let's see if that works here
[00:12:54] <deep42thought> I'll just reboot
[00:12:56] <tyzoid> works fine here
[00:13:05] <tyzoid> deep42thought: see ya in a few
[00:13:19] <deep42thought> It's a different box, I'll stay online
[00:15:08] <deep42thought> yeah, that was it
[00:15:45] <deep42thought> didn't we lately discuss, what can go wrong if you skip a reboot?
[00:16:54] <deep42thought> uptime
[00:16:57] <deep42thought> crap
[00:17:04] <deep42thought> it's too late here
[00:19:49] <tyzoid> deep42thought: ?
[00:19:58] <deep42thought> "uptime" was meant for a different tab
[00:20:09] <tyzoid> ah
[00:20:23] <tyzoid> deep42thought: Lots of stuff can go awry, depending on what changed
[00:20:35] <tyzoid> if you do a kernel update, you can have things fail to mount properly until reboot
[00:20:42] <tyzoid> udev devices not work properly, etc.
[00:20:49] <deep42thought> btw: sshd was already running on the vm
[00:21:00] <tyzoid> deep42thought: Yup, that's since you've got the new vm
[00:21:04] <tyzoid> the old one didn't
[00:21:07] <tyzoid> :(
[00:21:08] <deep42thought> ah, it's a new one
[00:21:09] <tyzoid> :)*
[00:21:14] <deep42thought> didn't notice :-/
[00:21:32] <tyzoid> deep42thought: Yup. Fixing things behind people's backs. Who knew!
[00:21:39] <tyzoid> #storyofarchlinux32
[00:21:58] <deep42thought> can't we do the same with archlinux32?
[00:22:18] <tyzoid> deep42thought: fix things behind people's backs?
[00:22:24] <deep42thought> right
[00:22:27] <tyzoid> Isn't that what we're doing, by raising all these bug reports?
[00:22:36] <deep42thought> nah
[00:22:48] <tyzoid> eh
[00:22:57] <deep42thought> it's not really "behind peoples backs", they still have to manually switch to archlinux32 at some point
[00:23:13] <tyzoid> oh, I was talking about contributions back to mainline :P
[00:23:24] <deep42thought> ah, that definitely
[00:23:47] <tyzoid> but yeah, if we want to be seamless about that, we'd need to talk to one of the TUs to add a dependency to a root package on i686
[00:24:13] <deep42thought> or a "replaces=" package
[00:24:20] <tyzoid> deep42thought: but I'd rather not make it seamless, since the whole point of Arch is to let the user do maintaince
[00:24:22] <deep42thought> but I think, we really don't want that
[00:24:39] <deep42thought> otherwise bugreports will land in the wrong tracker
[00:24:54] <deep42thought> you're absolutely right
[00:25:05] <tyzoid> deep42thought: Did you get the GUI up for the test box?
[00:25:54] <deep42thought> um, I feel dumb
[00:26:07] <deep42thought> I'm just logging in via ssh and trying stuff out
[00:26:09] <deep42thought> no gui
[00:26:42] <tyzoid> deep42thought: Open virtualbox
[00:26:50] <tyzoid> then you can right click on the machine
[00:26:57] <tyzoid> and click show
[00:27:03] <deep42thought> this will be fun over ssh ... I'll try
[00:27:19] <tyzoid> oh
[00:27:26] <tyzoid> you're ssh'd to the machine running vagrant?
[00:27:50] <deep42thought> yes, vagrant is running on my office pc
[00:27:56] <deep42thought> and I'm currently at home
[00:27:58] <tyzoid> deep42thought: Ah, nvm then
[00:27:59] <tyzoid> one sec
[00:28:58] <deep42thought> honestly, I don't really like guis, anyway :-/
[01:01:39] -!- fhdrin has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[01:04:30] -!- deep42thought has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[01:05:53] tyzoid is now known as a_superhero
[01:06:27] a_superhero is now known as tyzoid
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[02:00:53] -!- City-busz has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[02:44:06] -!- Faalagorn has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[05:28:48] -!- tyzoid has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9]
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[05:41:21] <tyzoid> deep42thought: When you get on, see https://bbs.archlinux32.org
[05:41:23] <phrik> Title: Install medium lacks archlinux32-keyring / Installation / Arch Linux 32 Forums (at bbs.archlinux32.org)
[05:48:35] tyzoid is now known as tyzoid_asleep
[06:31:41] -!- deep42thought has joined #archlinux-ports
[06:46:17] <deep42thought> rewbycraft: There seems to be a problem with ipv6 on the build master - maybe you can have a look at it.
[07:24:09] -!- deep42thought has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[07:25:34] -!- tyzoid_asleep has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[07:26:26] -!- tyzoid_asleep has joined #archlinux-ports
[07:35:19] -!- eschwartz has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[08:23:16] -!- deep42thought has joined #archlinux-ports
[11:44:10] -!- Faalagorn has joined #archlinux-ports
[13:45:53] -!- tyzoid_asleep has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9]
[14:44:56] tyzoid_away is now known as tyzoid
[15:17:50] -!- eschwartz has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:32:58] <tyzoid> deep42thought: I assume you saw the post on the forum?
[15:33:15] <deep42thought> I did
[15:33:23] <deep42thought> this is not the real issue, I think
[15:33:29] <tyzoid> That's what I figured
[15:33:45] <deep42thought> however, the buildmaster is currently down and rewbycraft is on holiday (if I recall correctly)
[15:34:03] <deep42thought> also, xz is fixed in testing
[15:34:18] <tyzoid> So if the buildmaster is down, does that mean no builds can happen?
[15:34:23] <deep42thought> right
[15:34:28] <tyzoid> ...
[15:34:34] <deep42thought> but it was stuck, anyway
[15:34:43] <tyzoid> any ability to promote a new buildmaster?
[15:34:55] <deep42thought> not without makor effort
[15:35:04] <deep42thought> all the meta data would have to be rebuilt
[15:35:08] <tyzoid> deep42thought: Sounds like a busfactor == 1 issue
[15:35:11] <deep42thought> and that's the hard part :-/
[15:35:15] <deep42thought> yes
[15:35:37] <deep42thought> but I think, we can't "parallelize" the buildmaster
[15:36:57] <tyzoid> deep42thought: But it should be possible to run a shadowmaster
[15:37:08] <deep42thought> right
[15:37:21] <deep42thought> once backups are in place, we can simply pull a copy of the meta data backup
[15:37:36] <tyzoid> true, that project got put on hold around vacation time as well
[15:44:07] -!- eschwartz has joined #archlinux-ports
[16:22:31] -!- deep42thought has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[16:53:38] -!- fhdrin has joined #archlinux-ports
[17:38:58] -!- deep42thought has joined #archlinux-ports
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[19:00:02] -!- fhdrin has quit [Quit: Leaving]
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[20:14:28] <deep42thought> hmpf, the PKGBUILD of i686 wine is identical to the multilib-x86_64 one (and not the "pure" x86_64 one), but the PKGBUILD of i686 dwarffortress is identical to its pure x86_64 one and not its multilib-x86_64 one
[20:15:07] <deep42thought> now I have no criterium if both multilib-x86_64 and community-x86_64 exist, which one I should use
[21:10:42] <brtln> I will take a look later
[21:11:04] <deep42thought> I don't think, it's a bug and I don't think it's important
[21:11:14] <deep42thought> It's just something, that crossed my vision
[21:12:05] <brtln> wine needs multilib toolchain for 32 bit prefixes
[21:12:31] <deep42thought> there are switches in the PKGBUILD, deleting lib32- prefixes if its built for i686
[21:13:06] <brtln> yeah, it's one trunk in practice
[21:13:37] <brtln> DF is probably screwed up itself but I don't remember the details
[21:13:57] <brtln> something something closed source I guess
[21:14:06] <deep42thought> well, it's two different PKGBUILDs for wine and two for df
[21:18:44] <brtln> not in trunk, which is different that repos/ where it's always separate
[21:44:27] -!- fhdrin has joined #archlinux-ports
[22:13:10] -!- AndrevS has joined #archlinux-ports
[22:52:37] tyzoid is now known as tyz
[23:17:04] -!- AndrevS has quit [Quit: umount /dev/irc]
[23:21:09] -!- fhdrin has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[23:22:47] -!- deep42thought has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[23:45:27] -!- isacdaavid has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]