#archlinux-ports | Logs for 2017-08-14
[08:51:30] -!- titus_livius has joined #archlinux-ports
[08:57:53] <deep42thought> did I (and titus_livius) miss something except silence between 10h ago and now?
[09:00:27] -!- Faalagorn has joined #archlinux-ports
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[09:30:21] -!- Faalagorn has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[10:42:18] <phillid> Nope
[10:42:27] <phillid> No activity since 10 Aug
[10:42:40] <deep42thought> thanks!
[10:43:27] <deep42thought> I killed the server sunday evening and didn't want to drive to the lab ad midnight solely to reboot it :-D
[11:09:40] -!- shentey has joined #archlinux-ports
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[16:29:03] -!- deep42thought has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[17:55:06] -!- deep42thought has joined #archlinux-ports
[18:17:28] -!- phrik has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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[18:37:45] -!- isacdaavid has joined #archlinux-ports
[18:39:02] -!- tyler has joined #archlinux-ports
[18:39:04] tyler is now known as tyoid
[18:39:08] tyoid is now known as tyzoid
[18:39:18] -!- City-busz has joined #archlinux-ports
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[18:39:22] <tyzoid> Yo deep42thought, back from my conference.
[18:39:31] -!- phrik has joined #archlinux-ports
[18:39:37] <tyzoid> Finally added the link to 'download' on the forum and news pages
[18:39:51] <deep42thought> Hi tyzoid, it was silent in here without you ;-)
[18:40:03] <tyzoid> Yeah, lots of stuff was happening.
[18:40:07] <tyzoid> Ooh, almost forgot.
[18:40:34] <deep42thought> I took some steps to try to get os-autoinst and openqa running
[18:42:35] <deep42thought> I have now a lot of perl-* packages and two PKGBUILDs - but the latter do not compile yet
[18:42:47] -!- eschwartz has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
[18:43:36] <tyzoid> deep42thought: I saw your main packagebuild. What repo did you add the perl dependencies to?
[18:43:48] <tyzoid> deep42thought: Also, this is one thing I wrote while at the conference: https://github.com
[18:43:50] <phrik> Title: GitHub - tyzoid/Rope: Remote OPErations console (at github.com)
[18:44:11] <tyzoid> It's a bash script that implements an entire console for remote system management.
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[18:45:16] <deep42thought> the packages are in my repo (https://arch.eckner.net/archlinuxewe)
[18:45:17] <phrik> Title: Index of /archlinuxewe/ (at arch.eckner.net)
[18:45:46] <tyzoid> Ah. That's the same one that has archiso32, iirc, right?
[18:45:52] <deep42thought> the sources are not public (yet?), because it's mainly my private stuff
[18:45:56] <deep42thought> right
[18:46:02] <tyzoid> Sounds good.
[18:46:33] <deep42thought> it's basically a git repository of PKGBUILDs which are compiled on the package server
[18:46:53] <deep42thought> so it's one step between upstream archlinux and what we do for archlinux32 now ;-)
[18:47:47] <deep42thought> so what does rope do?
[18:48:13] <tyzoid> It's a remote management console, for starting services/running commands on many machines at once.
[18:48:32] <tyzoid> I.e. we had 26 machines to run backups on, so we could fire off a job with Rope
[18:48:45] <deep42thought> ah, sounds nice
[18:48:48] <tyzoid> plus packages to install, config changes to make, etc.
[18:49:23] <tyzoid> It also allowed for some basic remote monitoring, since we could capture the output of things like syslog using watch
[18:49:40] <deep42thought> I think, I've seen something like parallel-ssh
[18:49:47] <deep42thought> but I'm not sure how it was called
[18:49:59] <tyzoid> It's similar, but things in this script happen sequentially for now
[18:50:20] <deep42thought> so what's the benefit over parallel-ssh?
[18:52:05] <tyzoid> deep42thought: Some things require monitoring, or interaction
[18:52:17] <tyzoid> deep42thought: Plus, the backup jobs hammer the file server
[18:52:22] <tyzoid> can't run all of them in parallel
[18:53:00] <deep42thought> hmm, ok
[18:55:02] <deep42thought> current state of openqa and os-autoinst: https://eckner.net and https://eckner.net
[18:56:14] <deep42thought> but I think, I should publish the sources somewhere - but it's mostly in german :-/
[19:01:34] <deep42thought> there you go: https://github.com
[19:01:35] <phrik> Title: GitHub - deep-42-thought/archlinuxewe: sources of packages for archlinux (at github.com)
[19:01:43] <deep42thought> in case some perl-* is missing ;-)
[19:04:14] <tyzoid> Sounds good.
[19:08:31] <deep42thought> btw: I took the freedom to move all testing packages which are installed on my box here straight to the stable repos when I notice it
[19:09:21] <deep42thought> this is, what I use "report-installed-packages" for
[19:20:08] -!- phrik has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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