#archlinux-ports | Logs for 2018-06-07
[00:35:11] -!- Polichronucci_ has joined #archlinux-ports
[00:35:53] -!- Polichronucci has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[00:35:53] Polichronucci_ is now known as Polichronucci
[01:05:46] -!- guys has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[01:52:08] -!- guys has joined #archlinux-ports
[04:24:02] -!- belanthor has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[05:54:27] -!- titus_livius has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[05:55:38] -!- titus_livius has joined #archlinux-ports
[06:47:01] -!- titus_livius has joined #archlinux-ports
[07:21:22] -!- oaken-source has joined #archlinux-ports
[07:21:22] -!- mode/#archlinux-ports [+v oaken-source] by tyzoid
[09:00:36] -!- oaken-source has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[09:27:18] -!- oaken-source has joined #archlinux-ports
[09:27:18] -!- mode/#archlinux-ports [+v oaken-source] by tyzoid
[11:04:51] -!- oaken-source has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[11:05:29] -!- oaken-source has joined #archlinux-ports
[11:05:30] -!- mode/#archlinux-ports [+v oaken-source] by tyzoid
[11:12:18] <ebrasca> oaken-source: Hi
[11:17:32] <oaken-source> ebrasca: sup :)
[11:26:45] <ebrasca> oaken-source: I get one strange error: "==> ERROR: pkgver in depends is not allowed to be empty."
[11:27:40] <ebrasca> oaken-source: Reading it in PKGBUILD of perl-xml-parser and I am sure it have correct value in pkgver.
[11:27:40] <oaken-source> ebrasca: yes, this is due to changes in makepkg 5.1
[11:28:01] <oaken-source> it doesn't source the entire PKGBUILD file anymore, so the variables are not expanded
[11:28:30] <oaken-source> ebrasca: see this: https://bugs.archlinux.org
[11:28:31] <phrik> Title:FS#58776 : makepkg fails if dependency version is the result of evaluating a function (at bugs.archlinux.org)
[11:29:39] <oaken-source> latest version in the repo should fix this
[11:29:47] <oaken-source> (latest version of the patches)
[11:34:20] <ebrasca> oaken-source: git pull and I start it give againg same error
[11:34:39] <ebrasca> oaken-source: Do I need to update someting else?
[11:40:24] <oaken-source> probably not, no.
[11:40:34] <oaken-source> on perl-xml-parser?
[11:40:40] <oaken-source> stage3?
[11:40:48] <ebrasca> oaken-source: yes
[11:41:01] <ebrasca> oaken-source: and yes
[11:41:28] <oaken-source> oh
[11:41:34] <oaken-source> I didn't commit the ptach.
[11:41:37] <oaken-source> *patch.
[11:43:47] <oaken-source> patches are commited.
[11:44:57] <ebrasca> oaken-source: With only git pull , it give same error.
[11:45:06] <ebrasca> oaken-source: Do I need to delete someting?
[11:45:07] <oaken-source> yeah, I see it now.
[11:45:21] <oaken-source> it doesn't find the patch because the pkgbuild is broken
[11:50:24] <oaken-source> try again
[11:51:37] <oaken-source> it tried to generate the pkgbase from the pkgbuild by parsing makepkg --sourceinfo output
[11:51:55] <oaken-source> but makepkg failed to generate this output, so the pkgbase was empty, and I didn't check for that.
[11:53:55] <ebrasca> oaken-source: I think it is working.
[11:58:38] <oaken-source> I'm relieved :)
[12:02:30] <ebrasca> oaken-source: We are doing good job.
[12:02:55] <ebrasca> oaken-source: We are doing good job.
[12:04:59] <oaken-source> we are :)
[12:07:25] -!- sunshavi has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[12:09:04] <oaken-source> ebrasca: stage4 does not contain a boot loader, we would need to build that separately.
[12:09:09] <oaken-source> and we will need a linux kernel config
[12:10:50] <ebrasca> oaken-source: I stop making linux-libre configs because I am bad making them.
[12:14:12] <oaken-source> yeah, same
[12:14:18] <oaken-source> maybe we need to talk to Megver
[12:14:55] <ebrasca> oaken-source: Now I going to search for rapair main in my city for my talos.
[12:15:15] <oaken-source> well, good luck
[12:38:27] -!- oaken-source has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[12:53:01] -!- oaken-source has joined #archlinux-ports
[12:53:01] -!- mode/#archlinux-ports [+v oaken-source] by tyzoid
[12:59:35] -!- oaken-source has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[13:11:44] -!- sunshavi has joined #archlinux-ports
[13:36:55] -!- oaken-source has joined #archlinux-ports
[13:36:55] -!- mode/#archlinux-ports [+v oaken-source] by tyzoid
[13:38:46] -!- guys has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[15:12:30] -!- isacdaavid has joined #archlinux-ports
[15:47:55] -!- guys has joined #archlinux-ports
[16:22:26] -!- isacdaavid has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[19:06:36] -!- AndrevS has joined #archlinux-ports
[20:21:57] <ebrasca> oaken-source: yea I have found repair man. He say he can fix it for next day.
[20:22:36] <ebrasca> oaken-source: My legs are in pain.
[20:58:04] <oaken-source> I don't envy you :/
[21:01:51] <oaken-source> ebrasca: I have 150 stage4 pkges built. roughly 700 more to go
[21:02:03] <oaken-source> a lot of patches need fixing though.
[21:02:09] <oaken-source> time moves pretty quickly
[21:12:15] <ebrasca> oaken-source: Time is too fast.
[21:21:16] <ebrasca> oaken-source: I help with all. ( When I undestand how )
[21:32:44] <oaken-source> for the most part the fixes are fairly trivial.
[21:33:00] <oaken-source> nss is giving me trouble, and we still need a linux configuration
[21:39:02] <ebrasca> oaken-source: I try to ask Megver83 in #parabola rigth now.
[22:38:34] <ebrasca> oaken-source: Error in boost-libs stage 3.
[22:41:33] <ebrasca> oaken-source: Probably for me and you it is better if I wait.
[22:48:10] <oaken-source> ebrasca: you can instruct the scripts to skip packages that fail the build by creating an empty file at build/powerpc64le/.KEEP_GOING
[22:48:32] <oaken-source> in which case it will just pick up the next one and mark the failed one in the DEPTREE
[22:48:48] <oaken-source> I generally do that in the evening and fix broken builds in the morning, to avoid wasting compile time.
[22:53:05] -!- AndrevS has quit [Quit: umount /dev/irc]
[23:04:25] -!- oaken-source has quit [Quit: leaving]