#archlinux32 | Logs for 2018-04-30
[00:05:22] <musty26069> a huge list :P
[00:12:45] <musty26069> but the problem does seem to have something todo with keyrings and pgp signatures
[00:22:43] <tyzoid> musty26069: Right, which is why I need the key list
[00:22:50] <tyzoid> !ptpb
[00:22:50] <phrik> “<command> 2>&1 | curl -F c=@- https://ptpb.pw” OR “curl -F c=@path/to/a/file https://ptpb.pw” OR install community/pbpst
[00:36:06] <musty26069> https://ptpb.pw
[00:36:15] <musty26069> wow
[00:36:23] <musty26069> super cool tool
[00:38:55] <musty26069> pub rsa4096 2016-04-13 [SC] [revoked: 2018-04-11]
[00:38:55] <musty26069> 7C98C4C3DE926168DC46FBAA3D06644243BF68D3
[00:38:57] <musty26069> uid [ revoked] Erich Eckner (just to sign arch packages) <arch@eckner.net>
[00:39:07] <musty26069> is this the prob?
[00:39:33] <musty26069> how should i fix it?
[00:40:35] <tyzoid> musty26069: The issue is that his key expired, and archlinux32-keyring has the new key
[00:43:39] <musty26069> but i can't seem to get it working on my system
[00:44:45] <musty26069> archlinux32-keyring: signature from "Erich Eckner (just to sign arch packages) <arch@eckner.net>" is unknown trust
[00:45:27] <musty26069> this is the errori get when trying to pacman -S archlinux32-keyring
[00:48:49] <tyzoid> Then it's trying to install something else, since archlinux32-keyring is signed with my key
[00:48:51] <tyzoid> what mirror are you using?
[00:48:59] <tyzoid> it could be an outdated mirror
[00:50:59] <musty26069> well
[00:51:14] <musty26069> i just checked the mirror list file you guys provie in the website
[00:51:23] <musty26069> and it seems up to date
[00:51:33] <musty26069> i have more than one server uncommented
[00:51:40] <musty26069> Server = https://archlinux32.mirror.roelf.org
[00:52:12] <musty26069> Server = http://archlinux32.vollzornbrot.de
[00:52:12] <musty26069> Server = https://archlinux32.vollzornbrot.de
[00:52:12] <musty26069> Server = http://mirror.archlinux32.org
[00:52:12] <musty26069> Server = https://mirror.archlinux32.org
[01:01:36] <tyzoid> musty26069: Try only https://mirror.archlinux32.org
[01:12:15] <musty26069> the same issue
[01:13:20] <musty26069> sudo pacman -Rs libxfont
[01:14:08] <musty26069> (eh.. sorry)
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[01:50:23] <musty26069> success. i am not sure why, but i reinstalled libxfont2 and somehow the new keys got through
[01:50:54] <musty26069> after that i wasable to install the archlinux32-keyring and run the updates as usual
[01:52:44] <musty26069> it was a great pleasure to chat with you guys, thanks for the help
[01:53:41] <musty26069> i am still not sure why it happened as it did.
[01:55:55] <tyzoid> weird
[01:55:59] <tyzoid> but glad it's workig now
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