#archlinux32 | Logs for 2018-08-12
[00:28:02] -!- oaken-source has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[00:51:39] <buildmaster> cysignals is broken (says nlopc46).
[00:53:55] <buildmaster> brotli is broken (says buildknecht2).
[01:04:08] <buildmaster> powerline is broken (says nlopc46).
[01:07:01] <buildmaster> pycdio is broken (says nlopc46).
[01:09:04] <buildmaster> pystatgrab is broken (says nlopc46).
[01:17:05] <buildmaster> libforensic1394 is broken (says buildknecht2).
[01:17:16] <buildmaster> python-axolotl-curve25519 is broken (says nlopc46).
[01:20:15] <buildmaster> python-billiard is broken (says buildknecht2).
[01:23:49] <buildmaster> python-blist is broken (says nlopc46).
[01:24:18] <buildmaster> python-blosc is broken (says buildknecht2).
[01:26:17] <buildmaster> python-bluepy is broken (says nlopc46).
[01:28:18] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:28:33] -!- buildmaster has joined #archlinux32
[01:38:48] <buildmaster> python-coverage is broken (says nlopc46).
[01:41:32] <buildmaster> python-dukpy is broken (says nlopc43).
[01:42:02] <buildmaster> python-ethtool is broken (says nlopc46).
[01:44:49] <buildmaster> python-gmpy2 is broken (says nlopc46).
[01:45:15] <buildmaster> python-gammu is broken (says nlopc43).
[01:45:24] <buildmaster> python-greenlet is broken (says buildknecht2).
[01:47:23] <buildmaster> python-hidapi is broken (says nlopc46).
[01:48:45] <buildmaster> python-http-parser is broken (says nlopc43).
[01:49:48] <buildmaster> python-jellyfish is broken (says nlopc46).
[01:51:30] <buildmaster> python-keyutils is broken (says buildknecht2).
[01:52:18] <buildmaster> python-llfuse is broken (says nlopc46).
[01:52:25] <buildmaster> python-levenshtein is broken (says nlopc43).
[01:54:25] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:54:37] -!- buildmaster has joined #archlinux32
[01:54:51] <buildmaster> python-m2crypto is broken (says nlopc46).
[01:56:44] <buildmaster> python-multidict is broken (says nlopc46).
[01:57:06] <buildmaster> python-msgpack is broken (says buildknecht2).
[01:59:57] <buildmaster> python-peewee is broken (says buildknecht2).
[02:00:10] <buildmaster> python-pcapy is broken (says nlopc46).
[02:00:26] <buildmaster> python-netifaces is broken (says nlopc43).
[02:02:28] <buildmaster> python-pillow is broken (says nlopc46).
[02:04:03] <buildmaster> python-plyvel is broken (says nlopc43).
[02:05:16] <buildmaster> python-pyblake2 is broken (says nlopc46).
[02:08:37] <buildmaster> python-pybluez is broken (says nlopc43).
[02:10:15] <buildmaster> python-pykerberos is broken (says nlopc46).
[02:11:58] <buildmaster> python-pyliblo is broken (says nlopc43).
[02:13:59] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[02:14:11] -!- buildmaster has joined #archlinux32
[02:19:37] <buildmaster> python-pyscard is broken (says nlopc46).
[02:20:06] <buildmaster> python-pyproj is broken (says nlopc43).
[02:24:16] <buildmaster> python-pyxattr is broken (says nlopc43).
[02:24:47] <buildmaster> python-pystemmer is broken (says nlopc46).
[02:29:48] <buildmaster> python-rencode is broken (says nlopc46).
[02:30:08] <buildmaster> python-rapidjson is broken (says buildknecht2).
[02:30:30] -!- rcf has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[02:31:23] <buildmaster> python-pyzmq is broken (says nlopc43).
[02:34:06] <buildmaster> python-scrypt is broken (says nlopc43).
[02:34:29] <buildmaster> python-selenium is broken (says nlopc46).
[02:36:02] -!- rcf has joined #archlinux32
[02:38:02] <buildmaster> python-simplejson is broken (says nlopc43).
[02:44:27] <buildmaster> python-ujson is broken (says nlopc43).
[02:45:17] <buildmaster> python-unrardll is broken (says buildknecht2).
[02:49:05] <buildmaster> python-xapian is broken (says buildknecht2).
[02:49:10] <buildmaster> python-wsaccel is broken (says nlopc43).
[02:53:27] <buildmaster> python-yaml is broken (says nlopc43).
[02:53:44] <buildmaster> python-yara is broken (says buildknecht2).
[03:04:27] <buildmaster> btrfs-progs is broken (says nlopc43).
[03:05:04] <buildmaster> unicorn is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:18:13] <buildmaster> libplist is broken (says nlopc43).
[03:29:16] <buildmaster> python-editdistance is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:36:55] <buildmaster> gst-editing-services is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:38:31] <buildmaster> nautilus-python is broken (says nlopc43).
[03:40:31] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[03:40:46] -!- buildmaster has joined #archlinux32
[03:45:36] <buildmaster> python-lazy-object-proxy is broken (says nlopc43).
[03:47:22] <buildmaster> python-wrapt is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:47:29] <buildmaster> python-urwid is broken (says buildknecht2).
[03:49:20] <buildmaster> python-zope-interface is broken (says nlopc43).
[03:51:20] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[03:51:33] -!- buildmaster has joined #archlinux32
[03:52:12] <buildmaster> libsavitar is broken (says buildknecht2).
[03:55:24] <buildmaster> python-genshi is broken (says nlopc43).
[04:00:16] <buildmaster> python-lz4 is broken (says buildknecht2).
[05:00:22] -!- eduardoeae has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[05:06:37] -!- guys has joined #archlinux32
[06:32:06] <buildmaster> absl-py is broken (says buildknecht2).
[06:34:39] <buildmaster> afl-utils is broken (says buildknecht2).
[06:36:14] <buildmaster> archey3 is broken (says nlopc46).
[06:37:21] <buildmaster> asciinema is broken (says buildknecht2).
[06:39:21] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[06:39:37] -!- buildmaster has joined #archlinux32
[06:39:45] <buildmaster> codespell is broken (says nlopc46).
[06:39:59] <buildmaster> networkmanager is broken (says nlopc43).
[06:49:04] <buildmaster> glances is broken (says nlopc46).
[06:50:23] <buildmaster> python-kivy is broken (says nlopc43).
[06:52:11] <buildmaster> gunicorn is broken (says nlopc46).
[06:53:37] <buildmaster> mypy is broken (says nlopc43).
[06:55:37] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[06:55:50] -!- buildmaster has joined #archlinux32
[06:56:02] <buildmaster> nfoview is broken (says buildknecht2).
[06:56:08] <buildmaster> nuitka is broken (says nlopc46).
[06:57:29] <buildmaster> pulsemixer is broken (says nlopc43).
[06:59:05] <buildmaster> pyprof2calltree is broken (says nlopc46).
[06:59:27] <buildmaster> python-aniso8601 is broken (says buildknecht2).
[07:00:07] <buildmaster> python-antlr4 is broken (says nlopc43).
[07:01:37] <buildmaster> python-anyjson is broken (says nlopc46).
[07:03:37] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[07:03:50] -!- buildmaster has joined #archlinux32
[07:04:50] <buildmaster> python-argcomplete is broken (says buildknecht2).
[07:04:54] <buildmaster> python-argh is broken (says nlopc46).
[07:05:58] <buildmaster> python-apipkg is broken (says nlopc43).
[07:07:27] <buildmaster> python-argparse is broken (says nlopc46).
[07:08:13] <buildmaster> python-args is broken (says buildknecht2).
[07:09:16] <buildmaster> python-async-timeout is broken (says nlopc46).
[07:09:42] <buildmaster> python-astor is broken (says nlopc43).
[07:11:12] <buildmaster> python-atomicwrites is broken (says nlopc46).
[07:11:44] <buildmaster> python-async_generator is broken (says buildknecht2).
[07:12:37] <buildmaster> python-augeas is broken (says nlopc43).
[07:13:09] <buildmaster> python-beautifulsoup4 is broken (says nlopc46).
[07:15:09] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[07:15:34] <buildmaster> python-blessings is broken (says nlopc46).
[07:18:46] <buildmaster> python-bitvector is broken (says nlopc43).
[07:22:02] <buildmaster> python-blinker is broken (says buildknecht2).
[07:22:11] <buildmaster> python-boto is broken (says nlopc43).
[07:23:26] <buildmaster> python-bottle is broken (says nlopc46).
[07:25:16] <buildmaster> python-cached-property is broken (says nlopc43).
[07:26:43] <buildmaster> python-cachetools is broken (says buildknecht2).
[07:27:43] <buildmaster> python-chameleon is broken (says nlopc43).
[07:29:43] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[07:31:04] <buildmaster> python-cjkwrap is broken (says nlopc43).
[07:31:18] <buildmaster> python-characteristic is broken (says buildknecht2).
[07:37:17] <buildmaster> python-colorclass is broken (says buildknecht2).
[07:38:59] <buildmaster> python-construct is broken (says nlopc43).
[07:40:59] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[07:41:15] -!- buildmaster has joined #archlinux32
[07:42:30] <buildmaster> python-couchdb is broken (says nlopc43).
[07:43:19] <buildmaster> python-cookies is broken (says buildknecht2).
[07:48:25] <buildmaster> python-cryptography-vectors is broken (says buildknecht2).
[07:48:33] <buildmaster> python-crayons is broken (says nlopc43).
[07:52:13] <buildmaster> python-cssutils is broken (says nlopc43).
[07:52:19] <buildmaster> python-d2to1 is broken (says buildknecht2).
[07:55:13] <buildmaster> python-daemonize is broken (says buildknecht2).
[07:55:23] <buildmaster> python-click is broken (says nlopc46).
[07:57:13] <buildmaster> deepin-daemon is broken (says buildknecht2).
[07:57:19] <buildmaster> python-ddt is broken (says nlopc43).
[07:59:06] <buildmaster> python-decorator is broken (says nlopc46).
[08:01:06] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[08:03:25] <buildmaster> python-deprecation is broken (says nlopc43).
[08:03:38] <buildmaster> python-diff-match-patch is broken (says buildknecht2).
[08:07:56] <buildmaster> python-distro is broken (says nlopc43).
[08:08:37] <buildmaster> python-distutils-extra is broken (says buildknecht2).
[08:10:11] <buildmaster> python-dnspython is broken (says nlopc46).
[08:10:41] <buildmaster> python-docopt is broken (says nlopc43).
[08:11:31] <buildmaster> python-dogpile.cache is broken (says buildknecht2).
[08:13:32] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[08:14:55] <buildmaster> deepin-file-manager is broken (says nlopc46).
[08:15:38] <buildmaster> python-editorconfig is broken (says nlopc43).
[08:17:02] <buildmaster> python-editor is broken (says buildknecht2).
[08:19:03] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[08:19:29] <buildmaster> python-fido2 is broken (says buildknecht2).
[08:25:46] <buildmaster> python-fields is broken (says nlopc43).
[08:29:22] <buildmaster> python-flaky is broken (says buildknecht2).
[08:29:28] <buildmaster> python-flake8-blind-except is broken (says nlopc43).
[08:31:59] <buildmaster> python-frozendict is broken (says buildknecht2).
[08:32:36] <buildmaster> python-flexmock is broken (says nlopc43).
[08:36:11] <buildmaster> python-funcy is broken (says nlopc43).
[08:42:21] -!- oaken-source has joined #archlinux32
[08:42:34] <buildmaster> pyglet is broken (says nlopc43).
[08:46:09] <buildmaster> python-commonmark is broken (says nlopc43).
[08:46:34] <buildmaster> python-filebytes is broken (says nlopc46).
[08:49:06] <buildmaster> python-h11 is broken (says nlopc46).
[08:49:15] <buildmaster> python-guzzle-sphinx-theme is broken (says nlopc43).
[08:54:17] <buildmaster> python-hexdump is broken (says nlopc43).
[08:54:47] <buildmaster> python-hglib is broken (says nlopc46).
[08:56:23] <elibrokeit> oh, I see you're having fun with the great python3.7 rebuild
[08:56:51] <elibrokeit> first issue you will see is setuptools needing to be properly bootstrapped...
[08:59:28] <elibrokeit> FWIW we generated the build graph using https://github.com
[08:59:29] <phrik> Title:arch-rebuilds/mkrebuild.pl at master · foutrelis/arch-rebuilds · GitHub (at github.com)
[09:00:10] <buildmaster> python-httplib2 is broken (says nlopc46).
[09:00:12] <elibrokeit> plus, packaged setuptools by hand in order to package its own dependencies and kickstart the world
[09:01:00] <buildmaster> python-hpack is broken (says nlopc43).
[09:03:07] <buildmaster> python-humanize is broken (says nlopc46).
[09:03:20] <buildmaster> python-hyperframe is broken (says buildknecht2).
[09:04:35] <buildmaster> python-ibm-db-sa is broken (says nlopc43).
[09:06:50] <buildmaster> python-invoke is broken (says buildknecht2).
[09:07:03] <buildmaster> python-imagesize is broken (says nlopc46).
[09:07:15] <buildmaster> python-iocapture is broken (says nlopc43).
[09:12:03] <buildmaster> python-ioflo is broken (says nlopc46).
[09:12:40] <buildmaster> python-iso8601 is broken (says nlopc43).
[09:16:06] <buildmaster> python-jdcal is broken (says nlopc46).
[09:16:08] <buildmaster> python-jinja is broken (says buildknecht2).
[09:18:00] <buildmaster> python-jmespath is broken (says nlopc43).
[09:18:45] <buildmaster> python-json-logger is broken (says buildknecht2).
[09:20:45] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[09:21:01] -!- buildmaster has joined #archlinux32
[09:21:10] <buildmaster> python-json-rpc is broken (says nlopc46).
[09:21:26] <buildmaster> python-jsonpickle is broken (says nlopc43).
[09:23:31] <buildmaster> python-jsonpointer is broken (says buildknecht2).
[09:24:29] <buildmaster> python-libarchive-c is broken (says nlopc46).
[09:25:31] <buildmaster> python-kaitaistruct is broken (says nlopc43).
[09:26:29] <buildmaster> python-libtmux is broken (says nlopc46).
[09:27:22] <buildmaster> python-libnacl is broken (says buildknecht2).
[09:28:23] <buildmaster> python-logilab-common is broken (says nlopc46).
[09:28:47] <buildmaster> python-lockfile is broken (says nlopc43).
[09:30:21] <buildmaster> python-magic is broken (says nlopc46).
[09:31:07] <buildmaster> python-manhole is broken (says buildknecht2).
[09:31:26] <buildmaster> python-manuel is broken (says nlopc43).
[09:33:26] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[09:34:17] <buildmaster> python-matrix-angular-sdk is broken (says nlopc43).
[09:34:25] <buildmaster> python-marshmallow is broken (says buildknecht2).
[09:38:11] <buildmaster> python-mdx-video is broken (says nlopc46).
[09:38:39] <buildmaster> python-mimeparse is broken (says nlopc43).
[09:41:25] <buildmaster> python-mistune is broken (says nlopc46).
[09:43:11] <buildmaster> python-mpd2 is broken (says buildknecht2).
[09:43:17] <buildmaster> python-munkres is broken (says nlopc46).
[09:47:19] <buildmaster> python-mysql-connector is broken (says buildknecht2).
[09:49:57] <buildmaster> python-netaddr is broken (says nlopc43).
[09:50:35] <buildmaster> python-objgraph is broken (says buildknecht2).
[09:54:05] <buildmaster> python-olefile is broken (says nlopc46).
[09:54:11] <buildmaster> python-oset is broken (says nlopc43).
[09:55:55] <buildmaster> python-pam is broken (says nlopc46).
[09:57:52] <buildmaster> python-parso is broken (says nlopc46).
[09:59:01] <buildmaster> python-parsedatetime is broken (says nlopc43).
[10:00:02] <buildmaster> python-parse is broken (says buildknecht2).
[10:02:02] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[10:05:36] <buildmaster> python-pbkdf2 is broken (says nlopc43).
[10:05:56] <buildmaster> python-pathtools is broken (says buildknecht2).
[10:08:45] <buildmaster> python-pbr is broken (says nlopc43).
[10:09:12] <buildmaster> python-phonenumbers is broken (says buildknecht2).
[10:09:36] <buildmaster> python-pdfrw is broken (says eurobuild3).
[10:12:24] <buildmaster> python-pickleshare is broken (says nlopc43).
[10:13:36] <buildmaster> python-pint is broken (says buildknecht2).
[10:15:05] <buildmaster> python-pkgconfig is broken (says eurobuild3).
[10:17:05] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[10:20:33] <buildmaster> python-pretend is broken (says nlopc43).
[10:24:56] <buildmaster> python-prettytable is broken (says eurobuild3).
[10:25:05] <buildmaster> python-priority is broken (says buildknecht2).
[10:29:47] <buildmaster> python-process-tests is broken (says nlopc43).
[10:29:53] <buildmaster> python-progress is broken (says eurobuild3).
[10:31:50] <buildmaster> python-ptrace is broken (says buildknecht2).
[10:35:52] <buildmaster> python-py-cpuinfo is broken (says eurobuild3).
[10:37:16] <buildmaster> python-pyacoustid is broken (says buildknecht2).
[10:40:10] <buildmaster> python-pycodestyle is broken (says eurobuild3).
[10:40:45] <buildmaster> python-pydispatcher is broken (says nlopc43).
[10:42:10] <buildmaster> python-pydot is broken (says buildknecht2).
[10:44:08] <buildmaster> python-pyenchant is broken (says eurobuild3).
[10:45:15] <buildmaster> python-pyftpdlib is broken (says nlopc43).
[10:45:26] <buildmaster> python-pyflakes is broken (says buildknecht2).
[10:47:26] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[10:49:14] <buildmaster> python-pygal is broken (says eurobuild3).
[10:56:19] <buildmaster> python-lxml is broken (says nlopc43).
[10:56:33] <buildmaster> python-pyjwt is broken (says buildknecht2).
[10:57:20] <buildmaster> python-pymediainfo is broken (says eurobuild3).
[11:01:58] <buildmaster> python-pyperclip is broken (says buildknecht2).
[11:04:20] <buildmaster> python-pypandoc is broken (says nlopc43).
[11:05:22] <buildmaster> python-pysocks is broken (says buildknecht2).
[11:07:11] <buildmaster> python-pyswip is broken (says eurobuild3).
[11:07:37] <buildmaster> python-pytddmon is broken (says nlopc43).
[11:09:37] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[11:10:46] <buildmaster> python-pytoml is broken (says eurobuild3).
[11:12:22] <buildmaster> python-pyusb is broken (says buildknecht2).
[11:14:12] <buildmaster> python-babel is broken (says nlopc43).
[11:15:02] <buildmaster> python-pyrfc3339 is broken (says eurobuild3).
[11:17:02] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[11:17:21] <buildmaster> python-random2 is broken (says buildknecht2).
[11:18:09] <buildmaster> python-qtpy is broken (says nlopc43).
[11:18:17] <buildmaster> python-queuelib is broken (says eurobuild3).
[11:20:39] <buildmaster> python-rangehttpserver is broken (says nlopc43).
[11:22:13] <buildmaster> python-raven is broken (says buildknecht2).
[11:23:26] <buildmaster> python-redis is broken (says nlopc43).
[11:24:13] <buildmaster> python-repoze.lru is broken (says eurobuild3).
[11:24:55] <buildmaster> python-rfc3986 is broken (says buildknecht2).
[11:26:55] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[11:27:08] -!- buildmaster has joined #archlinux32
[11:30:03] <buildmaster> python-scripttest is broken (says nlopc43).
[11:30:12] <buildmaster> python-semantic-version is broken (says buildknecht2).
[11:30:46] <buildmaster> python-rply is broken (says eurobuild3).
[11:32:30] <buildmaster> python-send2trash is broken (says nlopc43).
[11:34:30] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[11:35:00] <buildmaster> python-setuptools-git is broken (says eurobuild3).
[11:35:03] <buildmaster> python-sh is broken (says nlopc43).
[11:36:02] <buildmaster> python-shutilwhich is broken (says buildknecht2).
[11:40:22] <buildmaster> python-smmap is broken (says eurobuild3).
[11:40:34] <buildmaster> python-passlib is broken (says nlopc46).
[11:40:40] <buildmaster> python-pydocstyle is broken (says buildknecht2).
[11:40:48] <buildmaster> python-socketpool is broken (says nlopc43).
[11:42:28] <buildmaster> python-sparqlwrapper is broken (says nlopc46).
[11:44:10] <buildmaster> python-sphinx_rtd_theme is broken (says nlopc43).
[11:44:21] <buildmaster> python-sortedcontainers is broken (says eurobuild3).
[11:44:30] <buildmaster> python-sphinx-alabaster-theme is broken (says buildknecht2).
[11:46:30] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[11:46:54] <buildmaster> python-sphinxcontrib-newsfeed is broken (says nlopc46).
[11:47:07] <buildmaster> python-sphinxcontrib-websupport is broken (says nlopc43).
[11:47:30] <buildmaster> python-sqlparse is broken (says buildknecht2).
[11:48:13] <buildmaster> python-stopit is broken (says eurobuild3).
[11:49:39] <buildmaster> python-suds is broken (says nlopc43).
[11:52:56] <buildmaster> python-tempita is broken (says eurobuild3).
[11:53:03] <buildmaster> python-terminaltables is broken (says nlopc43).
[11:53:58] <buildmaster> python-sybil is broken (says buildknecht2).
[11:56:09] <buildmaster> python-testfixtures is broken (says nlopc43).
[11:56:56] <buildmaster> python-termstyle is broken (says eurobuild3).
[11:57:09] <buildmaster> python-text-unidecode is broken (says buildknecht2).
[11:58:05] <buildmaster> python-toposort is broken (says nlopc46).
[12:00:17] <buildmaster> python-typogrify is broken (says buildknecht2).
[12:00:25] <buildmaster> python-tzlocal is broken (says nlopc46).
[12:00:32] <buildmaster> python-tqdm is broken (says eurobuild3).
[12:02:25] <buildmaster> python-u-msgpack is broken (says nlopc46).
[12:02:36] <buildmaster> python-translationstring is broken (says nlopc43).
[12:04:18] <buildmaster> python-unidecode is broken (says nlopc46).
[12:05:10] <buildmaster> python-uncertainties is broken (says buildknecht2).
[12:07:10] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[12:09:23] <buildmaster> python-ukpostcodeparser is broken (says eurobuild3).
[12:09:24] <buildmaster> python-uritemplate is broken (says nlopc46).
[12:09:48] <buildmaster> python-unpaddedbase64 is broken (says nlopc43).
[12:11:42] <buildmaster> python-venusian is broken (says nlopc46).
[12:11:59] <buildmaster> python-vcversioner is broken (says buildknecht2).
[12:12:28] <buildmaster> python-validate-email is broken (says eurobuild3).
[12:14:28] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[12:14:50] <buildmaster> python-virtualenv-clone is broken (says nlopc43).
[12:14:58] <buildmaster> python-wcwidth is broken (says buildknecht2).
[12:15:08] <buildmaster> python-waitress is broken (says nlopc46).
[12:16:39] <buildmaster> python-webcolors is broken (says eurobuild3).
[12:17:37] <buildmaster> python-webencodings is broken (says nlopc43).
[12:17:50] <buildmaster> python-webob is broken (says buildknecht2).
[12:19:22] <buildmaster> python-wheel is broken (says nlopc46).
[12:20:19] <buildmaster> python-whatever is broken (says eurobuild3).
[12:22:08] <buildmaster> python-whitenoise is broken (says nlopc46).
[12:22:20] <buildmaster> python-whoosh is broken (says buildknecht2).
[12:24:20] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[12:25:52] <buildmaster> python-xmltodict is broken (says nlopc43).
[12:28:05] <buildmaster> python-zconfig is broken (says buildknecht2).
[12:28:14] <buildmaster> python-zope-deprecation is broken (says nlopc46).
[12:28:38] <buildmaster> python-zope-event is broken (says eurobuild3).
[12:28:54] <buildmaster> python2-eyed3 is broken (says nlopc43).
[12:35:56] <buildmaster> ropgadget is broken (says nlopc43).
[12:36:30] <buildmaster> pyudev is broken (says nlopc46).
[12:39:24] <buildmaster> speedtest-cli is broken (says buildknecht2).
[12:41:31] <girls> buildmaster: shut up
[12:41:32] <buildmaster> Sorry, I will do.
[12:41:59] <girls> elibrokeit: thanks for the info, I'll have a look into python when I'm at a proper computer ;-)
[13:42:26] <buildmaster> autorandr is broken (says nlopc43).
[13:44:48] <buildmaster> python-jack-client is broken (says nlopc43).
[13:45:10] <buildmaster> python-json-config is broken (says nlopc46).
[13:49:57] <buildmaster> python-kajiki is broken (says nlopc43).
[13:50:17] <buildmaster> python-nine is broken (says nlopc46).
[13:50:38] <buildmaster> meson is broken (says buildknecht2).
[13:52:33] <buildmaster> python-glfw is broken (says nlopc46).
[13:54:33] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[13:58:05] <buildmaster> python-tabulate is broken (says nlopc43).
[14:00:03] <buildmaster> python-sounddevice is broken (says nlopc46).
[14:02:03] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[14:27:31] <buildmaster> aarch64-linux-gnu-glibc is broken (says nlopc43).
[14:27:41] <buildmaster> skk-jisyo is broken (says buildknecht2).
[14:30:23] <buildmaster> python-setuptools-scm is broken (says eurobuild3).
[14:30:30] <buildmaster> you-get is broken (says nlopc43).
[14:30:32] <buildmaster> python-arpeggio is broken (says buildknecht2).
[14:46:25] <buildmaster> python-ipykernel is broken (says nlopc43).
[14:49:05] <buildmaster> python-jupyter_client is broken (says buildknecht2).
[14:50:01] <elibrokeit> girls: you could just bootstrap a vendored setuptools in build-support and use that to bootstrap the packaging, setuptools, six, etc modules
[14:50:40] <elibrokeit> Also watch out for build cycles and be ready to break them with --nocheck
[15:55:44] -!- eduardoeae has joined #archlinux32
[16:38:38] <buildmaster> firefox-developer-edition is broken (says nlopc46).
[17:03:05] <buildmaster> libmbim is broken (says nlopc43).
[17:35:51] -!- abaumann has joined #archlinux32
[17:35:51] <buildmaster> Hi abaumann!
[17:38:35] <abaumann> I wonder, if my approach would still work for python 3.7: https://aur.archlinux.org in the i486 branch I was able to rebuild some packages disabling check (at least till mock, pytest and other modules used for testing are around). Thanks for the graph, really helpful.
[17:38:35] <phrik> Title:AUR (en) - python-pip-bootstrap (at aur.archlinux.org)
[17:38:51] -!- abaumann has quit [Client Quit]
[17:39:16] <tyzoid> hey deep42thought: You send your email encrypted with my master key
[17:39:20] <tyzoid> sent*
[18:20:28] <tyzoid> deep42thought: Got it, yeah, it's still manual (requires root)
[18:20:32] <tyzoid> Just updated those certs
[18:21:35] -!- guys has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[18:30:18] -!- deep42thought has joined #archlinux32
[18:30:19] <buildmaster> Hi deep42thought!
[18:53:24] <elibrokeit> abaumann: wouldn't it make more sense to provide a bootstrap package which builds and installs self-contained, i.e. without devendoring and using only python itself to build/install?
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[21:57:04] <buildmaster> nvidia-settings is broken (says nlopc46).
[22:45:23] -!- elibrokeit has quit [Quit: A random quit message]
[22:45:23] -!- City-busz has quit [Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Csevegjen kényelmesen. Bárhol.]
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