#archlinux32 | Logs for 2018-12-14
[00:22:50] -!- ofara__ has joined #archlinux32
[00:38:56] -!- deep42thought has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[00:52:27] -!- guys has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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[02:30:28] -!- isacdaavid has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[02:35:32] -!- MrBIOS has quit [Quit: MrBIOS]
[03:36:46] -!- dbermond has quit [Quit: gn]
[03:45:15] <thePiGrepper> hi, lately Ive been trying to update and no new packages(not even updates to the dbs) have been detected, Im starting to believe it has to do with having an old mirror as first in file. what was the main repo again? or maybe no new packages had appeared for a week or so..
[03:45:33] <thePiGrepper> *main mirror
[03:49:04] <thePiGrepper> yeah, it was that. fixed.. sorry
[03:52:14] -!- guys has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[03:53:10] <thePiGrepper> it's the second time this month(different systems). reflector is making its point very clear, lol
[04:05:42] -!- guys has joined #archlinux32
[04:10:42] -!- thePiGrepper has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
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[05:22:11] -!- DepositePirate_ has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
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[10:35:56] davor_ is now known as davor
[10:52:44] -!- abaumann has joined #archlinux32
[10:52:45] <buildmaster> Hi abaumann!
[10:52:45] <buildmaster> !rq abaumann
[10:52:46] <phrik> buildmaster: <abaumann> canary no. 2 is back on testing. :-)
[10:52:53] <abaumann> "272:02.52 /usr/bin/ld: ../../js/src/build/libjs_static.a: error adding symbols: memory exhausted
[10:52:56] <abaumann> of course..
[11:13:43] -!- bill-auger has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[11:34:12] -!- deep42thought has joined #archlinux32
[11:34:12] <buildmaster> Hi deep42thought!
[11:34:12] <buildmaster> !rq deep42thought
[11:34:13] <phrik> buildmaster: <deep42thought> good night, python - cu tomorrow python2!
[11:48:39] -!- bill-auger_ has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[12:13:03] -!- bill-auger has joined #archlinux32
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[16:44:44] -!- Cthulu201 has quit [Quit: Nowhere special. I always wanted to go there.]
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[17:05:03] -!- ofara__ has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[17:10:07] -!- guys has joined #archlinux32
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[17:37:08] -!- GNUtoo has joined #archlinux32
[17:37:10] <GNUtoo> hi,
[17:37:25] <GNUtoo> You have a repository called build-support, what is it meant for?
[17:37:31] -!- deep42thought has joined #archlinux32
[17:37:31] <buildmaster> Hi deep42thought!
[17:37:32] <buildmaster> !rq deep42thought
[17:37:33] <phrik> buildmaster: * deep42thought listens carefully, but doesn't hear any bells ringing over here
[17:37:37] <deep42thought> Hi GNUtoo
[17:37:51] <deep42thought> that's meant for our build infrastructure
[17:37:58] <deep42thought> sometimes we need to have some shim package
[17:38:04] <GNUtoo> Some time ago you had some packages there that were required for building other packages, or for building software for source, is it still the case?
[17:38:05] <deep42thought> or a specific (old) version of some package
[17:38:09] <deep42thought> to compile another
[17:38:18] <GNUtoo> ok, so I can safely enable it?
[17:38:29] <GNUtoo> (right now it only has deeping related stuff)
[17:38:35] <deep42thought> and libglvnd
[17:38:54] <GNUtoo> yes, I missed that, that's required to build a lot of stuff if my memory is correct
[17:39:08] <GNUtoo> thanks
[17:39:20] <deep42thought> we do have the same (I hope) libglvnd somewhere else
[17:39:34] <deep42thought> but build-support is picked first (in some runs)
[17:39:41] <deep42thought> so it supersedes staging and testing
[17:40:18] <deep42thought> especially with libglvnd we had trouble, because it should be installed as libgl provider, but also something else provides that (I think mesa)
[17:40:33] <deep42thought> and if mesa was in staging, always that was picked and build broke
[17:40:41] <GNUtoo> ok
[17:41:12] <deep42thought> yeah, the libglvnd is the same as in [extra]
[17:41:27] <deep42thought> and the deepin stuff was a trial to get deepin bootstrapped
[17:41:29] <GNUtoo> oh ok, I should look that up
[17:41:36] <deep42thought> (it has _a_lot_ of circular dependencies)
[17:42:17] <deep42thought> archlinux32 users do not need to bother about build-support - you can just ignore it :-)
[17:44:24] <bill-auger> yes its in exra
[17:45:24] <bill-auger> it seems to have been missing from [extra] for a few days and was only in [build-support] - so that prompted a bug report
[17:45:35] <deep42thought> O.o
[17:45:47] <deep42thought> I'm pretty sure we copied it from extra to build-support
[17:47:16] <deep42thought> let me check - the database knows everything ;-)
[17:48:31] <deep42thought> in [extra] since 2018-10-14 15:17:04, in [build-support] since 2018-11-13 16:45:34
[17:50:34] <GNUtoo> thanks for the information
[17:50:41] <deep42thought> GNUtoo: you're welcome
[17:51:25] <bill-auger> BTW GNUtoo: is the newest parabola team member since a few weeks ago
[17:53:32] <deep42thought> so you're not an archlinux32 user but rather an archlinux32 downstream dev :-)
[17:53:46] <GNUtoo> indeed
[17:54:54] -!- guys has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[17:55:48] <bill-auger> he is also somewhat of a famous fossie being the original developer of the replicant OS
[17:56:44] <GNUtoo> Yes, I'm still new to Parabola packaging though (I'm used to that kind of packaging but I've still things specific to Parabola or Arch to learn)
[17:57:33] <GNUtoo> (I've dealt with cross compiling on openembedded/yocto during a lot of years)
[17:58:24] <GNUtoo> I've to go soon, bbl, thanks
[17:59:20] <deep42thought> cu
[18:08:50] -!- guys has joined #archlinux32
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[20:11:04] -!- phrik has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
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[20:23:38] -!- MrBIOS has quit [Quit: MrBIOS]
[20:23:46] -!- oaken-source has joined #archlinux32
[20:23:51] -!- phrik has joined #archlinux32
[20:23:52] <buildmaster> Hi phrik!
[20:23:52] <buildmaster> !rq phrik
[20:24:05] -!- elibrokeit has joined #archlinux32
[20:28:01] <phrik> buildmaster: <phrik> ayy
[20:35:48] -!- ofara has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
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[22:14:47] <thePiGrepper> hi, do you happen to know why is wpa_supplicant being build with openssl-1.0, instead of the latest one(1.1)? I've just rebuilt it using openssl1.1 and it 'apparently' works just fine.
[22:14:57] <thePiGrepper> *built
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[22:23:23] <bill-auger> actually i think there is an issue there
[22:23:55] <bill-auger> pacman thinks wpa_supplicant is GPL licensed - but the wpa_supplicant website says it is BSD
[22:24:25] <bill-auger> if it is GPL, then it can not be linked to openssl - the openssl license is not compatible with the GPL
[22:24:59] <bill-auger> if it is indeed the BSD-3clause (as indicated here http://w1.fi) then pacman is wrong
[22:25:57] -!- deep42thought has joined #archlinux32
[22:25:57] <buildmaster> Hi deep42thought!
[22:25:57] <buildmaster> !rq deep42thought
[22:25:58] <phrik> buildmaster: <deep42thought> because you're a pessimist with no hope - or you're a realist afraid of change ... pick your evil
[22:26:12] <deep42thought> thePiGrepper: is this the case in archlinux, too?
[22:33:31] <thePiGrepper> yes, it is.
[22:34:05] <thePiGrepper> it's there that I recompiled with openssl1.1 and it's just fine
[22:34:24] <thePiGrepper> also, Ive just checked on debian, and they build against 1.1.
[22:37:26] <deep42thought> hmm, then you should tell upstream, e.g. open a bug report :-)
[22:38:05] <thePiGrepper> according to the database, there're currently 75 packages depending on openssl-1.0, so it's not like we could just remove it after this, but yeah, just noteworthy
[22:39:09] <thePiGrepper> deep42thought: I think I might. I actually encountered this because I wanted to try iwd+networkmanager, to replace wpa_supplicant, but it's a dependency of networkmanager...
[22:39:31] <thePiGrepper> probably a pre-iwd decision though
[22:49:34] -!- MrBIOS has joined #archlinux32
[23:26:35] -!- NoobAlice has joined #archlinux32
[23:44:39] -!- deep42thought has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
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