#archlinux32 | Logs for 2019-03-01
[00:04:20] <buildmaster> i686/python-baron is broken (says nlopc46).
[00:19:20] <buildmaster> i686/python-beaker is broken (says rechenknecht).
[00:25:54] -!- isacdaavid has joined #archlinux32
[00:47:47] -!- guys has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[00:48:49] <buildmaster> i686/perl-text-template is broken (says nlopc43).
[01:04:05] -!- samantaz_ has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[01:30:37] -!- guys has joined #archlinux32
[01:47:09] -!- MrBIOS has quit [Quit: MrBIOS]
[01:50:27] <buildmaster> i686/nvidia-340xx-lts are broken (says buildknecht2).
[01:52:19] <buildmaster> i686/acpi_call-lts are broken (says buildknecht).
[01:53:10] <buildmaster> i686/nvidia-390xx-lts are broken (says buildknecht2).
[01:55:10] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[02:02:30] <buildmaster> i686/kresus are broken (says nlopc43).
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[02:57:59] -!- DepositePirate_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[03:02:29] -!- isacdaavid has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
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[04:24:53] <elibrokeit> deep42thought, abaumann: would like to speak to one of you as soon as possible
[04:44:17] <buildmaster> girls, please have a look at my dirty database
[04:44:18] * buildmaster goes insane.
[05:17:49] -!- guys has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
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[07:18:15] -!- guys has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
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[07:43:46] -!- abaumann has joined #archlinux32
[07:43:46] <buildmaster> Hi abaumann!
[07:43:46] <buildmaster> !rq abaumann
[07:43:47] <phrik> buildmaster: <abaumann> works. I receive my personal spam now ;-)
[07:44:08] <abaumann> elibrokeit: Europe is awake and up. :-)
[07:44:21] <abaumann> Just did an upgrade on the buildmaster, and I get a -bash: /usr/bin/pacman: No such file or directory
[07:44:40] <abaumann> mmh. a bug in filesystem?
[07:44:47] <elibrokeit> abaumann: ouch, and I was going to suggest you queue pacman with a high priority
[07:45:28] <abaumann> I hope, I have pacman-static installed. :-)
[07:45:42] <abaumann> oups. no. cdrom booting it is..
[07:45:54] <elibrokeit> I provide wget'able versions...
[07:46:25] <elibrokeit> wget https://pkgbuild.com{,.sig}
[07:46:28] <abaumann> that's a very good idea
[07:50:14] <elibrokeit> abaumann: if /var/cache/pacman is both a directory packaged by pacman, and a symlink on disk, then Bad Things Happen.
[07:50:36] <elibrokeit> You cannot overwrite a directory with a file, pacman does not like that... use bind mounts instead.
[07:51:02] <abaumann> it's also a security problem to have symlinks for things managed by the package manager, yes.
[07:51:30] <abaumann> so, I'll reschedule pacman builds after recovering the buildmaster..
[07:51:56] <elibrokeit> https://bugs.archlinux.org
[07:51:57] <phrik> Title: FS#58804 : System upgrade broken - pacman deleted crucial symlink and replaced it with a file (at bugs.archlinux.org)
[07:53:06] <elibrokeit> You could also use CacheDir in pacman.conf itself
[07:54:06] <abaumann> true, it was a silly habit to draw symblinks everywhere. They cause all kind of problems like having directories in double after an upgrade and such..
[07:56:54] <abaumann> maybe we should tell people to install pacman-static before doing the next pacman upgrade?
[07:57:05] <abaumann> or check their system for symlinks. :->
[07:57:32] -!- yans has quit [Quit: chaos is the only true answer]
[07:57:48] <abaumann> so.. recovered.
[08:01:39] <abaumann> Mmh. A hot fix would be to check in pacman itself, if certain critical directories configured in pacman.conf are currently symblinks and then warn the user and bail out.
[08:01:58] <abaumann> buildmaster: why are you not sane?
[08:05:25] <elibrokeit> abaumann: we should be bailing out on any directory/symlink mismatches, that is what the bug report is about
[08:05:42] <abaumann> ah. very good.
[08:06:02] <elibrokeit> of course we still have no one to write code :p
[08:06:26] <abaumann> yeah. normal status quo of limited amount of hands (and brains).. :-)
[08:07:06] <abaumann> another easy way would be a news message additionally on the main page warning about it?
[08:07:34] <abaumann> so people cannot come and cry after breaking their system.. because you should always read before updating. :->
[08:08:17] <abaumann> cannot reschedule ATM, our buildmaster is in the asylum for mental problems currently.
[08:10:39] <abaumann> deep42thought: python-paste-3.0.6-1.0-any.pkg.tar.xz seems to be missing in the pool of files or in the database..
[08:11:10] <elibrokeit> but unfortunately people break their system like this, way too easily
[08:11:23] <elibrokeit> the initial report was someone who symlinked /var/cache itself
[08:11:38] <elibrokeit> so there are a *lot* of upgrades that overwrite this
[08:12:44] <elibrokeit> 25 packages, including fontconfig as it happens
[08:13:41] <abaumann> one reason is: symlinking is easier to do than bind mounts, from the syntax of the commands involved, so that's why people do symlinks
[08:15:06] <abaumann> It's puzzling to me people are not using LVM.. because being out of disk space is the root cause, and there is basically no excuse anymore to hit this situation..
[08:15:48] <abaumann> on the buildmaster I have a really stupid situation with an SSD and a HDD, which I don't want to combine into an LVM volume. :->
[08:16:04] <elibrokeit> configuring CacheDir is easier than bind mounts too :)
[08:16:10] <abaumann> true :-)
[08:16:26] <abaumann> even easier..
[08:23:55] <abaumann> error: could not open file /data/.DONT_TOUCH/var/cache/pacman/pkg: Error reading fd 6
[08:24:07] <abaumann> when using CacheDir..
[08:24:15] <abaumann> ah.
[08:24:18] <abaumann> missing a pkg. :-)
[08:45:10] -!- abaumann has quit [Quit: leaving]
[08:58:54] -!- T`aZ has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
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[20:42:30] <buildmaster> Hi phrik!
[20:42:30] <buildmaster> !rq phrik
[20:46:27] <phrik> buildmaster: <phrik> ayy
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