#archlinux32 | Logs for 2019-05-14
[00:18:14] -!- djmoch has quit [Quit: ZNC 1.7.3 - https://znc.in]
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[02:09:23] -!- guys has joined #archlinux32
[02:50:02] <buildmaster> pentium4/libalkimia is broken (says buildknecht).
[02:57:09] <buildmaster> pentium4/diffoscope is broken (says rechenknecht).
[03:01:51] <buildmaster> pentium4/sagemath-doc is broken (says rechenknecht).
[03:02:29] <buildmaster> pentium4/mitmproxy is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:05:53] <buildmaster> i686/diffoscope is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:09:31] -!- MrBIOS has quit [Quit: MrBIOS]
[03:10:09] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-text-zipper is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:10:34] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-th-desugar is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:11:00] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-singletons are broken (says nlopc46).
[03:11:27] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-th-utilities are broken (says nlopc46).
[03:11:53] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-unixutils are broken (says nlopc46).
[03:12:22] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-uri-bytestring is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:12:48] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-vector-algorithms are broken (says nlopc46).
[03:12:56] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-cassava is broken (says rechenknecht).
[03:13:09] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-gnuidn is broken (says eurobuild3).
[03:13:25] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-cassava-megaparsec is broken (says buildknecht).
[03:13:48] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-vector-th-unbox is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:14:41] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-math-functions are broken (says nlopc46).
[03:15:08] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-mwc-random is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:15:34] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-monad-par is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:16:01] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-statistics are broken (says nlopc46).
[03:16:28] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-vty is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:16:53] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-with-location is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:17:01] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-binary-orphans are broken (says rechenknecht).
[03:17:55] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-email-validate is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:18:17] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-dense-linear-algebra is broken (says buildknecht).
[03:18:23] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-foundation is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:19:30] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-vector-builder is broken (says eurobuild3).
[03:19:59] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-hledger-lib is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:20:24] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-memory is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:20:50] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-asn1-types are broken (says nlopc46).
[03:21:16] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-asn1-encoding is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:21:20] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-doctest is broken (says rechenknecht).
[03:22:19] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-crypto-pubkey-types are broken (says nlopc46).
[03:22:27] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-gauge is broken (says buildknecht).
[03:23:17] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-cryptohash is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:23:42] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-cryptohash-cryptoapi is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:24:09] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-drbg is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:24:36] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-hackage-security is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:25:03] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-hslogger is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:25:36] <buildmaster> i686/git-repair is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:25:58] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-asn1-parse is broken (says rechenknecht).
[03:26:21] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-cryptonite is broken (says buildknecht).
[03:26:25] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-hjsonpointer is broken (says eurobuild3).
[03:27:25] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-hsopenssl is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:27:53] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-dns are broken (says nlopc46).
[03:28:19] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-libmpd is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:28:45] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-missingh is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:29:11] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-configfile is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:29:37] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-network-bsd is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:30:05] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-httpd-shed is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:30:31] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-http-common is broken (says rechenknecht).
[03:31:01] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-network-multicast is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:31:09] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-io-streams-haproxy is broken (says buildknecht).
[03:32:06] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-openssl-streams are broken (says nlopc46).
[03:32:11] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-io-streams are broken (says eurobuild3).
[03:33:14] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-pgp-wordlist is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:33:40] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-prettyprinter is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:33:58] -!- yans has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[03:34:05] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-prettyprinter-ansi-terminal is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:34:32] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-prettyprinter-convert-ansi-wl-pprint is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:34:39] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-network-protocol-xmpp is broken (says rechenknecht).
[03:35:20] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-pcre-heavy is broken (says buildknecht).
[03:36:04] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-securemem is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:36:30] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-cipher-aes are broken (says nlopc46).
[03:36:56] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-crypto-random is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:37:21] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-cprng-aes are broken (says nlopc46).
[03:37:46] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-clientsession is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:37:56] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-pem is broken (says eurobuild3).
[03:38:56] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-crypto-pubkey is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:39:01] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-rsa is broken (says rechenknecht).
[03:39:52] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-snap-core is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:40:18] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-snap-server is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:40:46] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-http-streams are broken (says nlopc46).
[03:40:55] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-crypto-cipher-types are broken (says buildknecht).
[03:41:42] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-socks are broken (says nlopc46).
[03:42:09] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-authenticate-oauth is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:42:34] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-wai-cors are broken (says nlopc46).
[03:43:01] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-hspec-wai is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:43:21] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-crypto-numbers are broken (says eurobuild3).
[03:43:56] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-wai-middleware-static is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:44:01] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-nettle is broken (says rechenknecht).
[03:45:02] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-wl-pprint-annotated is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:45:25] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-http-client is broken (says buildknecht).
[03:45:29] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-hedgehog is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:46:30] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-tasty-hedgehog is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:46:56] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-bsb-http-chunked is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:47:22] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-retry is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:47:48] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-word-wrap is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:48:14] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-brick is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:48:17] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-wai-websockets are broken (says rechenknecht).
[03:49:16] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-x509-store is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:49:27] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-websockets are broken (says eurobuild3).
[03:49:42] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-x509-system is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:50:08] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-x509-validation is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:50:13] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-config-ini is broken (says buildknecht).
[03:50:34] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-tls are broken (says nlopc46).
[03:51:59] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-pipes-http is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:52:22] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-x509 is broken (says rechenknecht).
[03:52:55] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-tls-session-manager is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:53:23] <buildmaster> i686/kpmcore is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:54:57] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-http-client-tls are broken (says buildknecht).
[03:55:16] -!- guys has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[03:56:13] <buildmaster> i686/hasktags are broken (says rechenknecht).
[03:57:08] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-binary-tagged is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:57:31] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-connection is broken (says eurobuild3).
[03:57:57] <buildmaster> i686/yoshimi is broken (says nlopc46).
[03:58:26] <buildmaster> i686/din is broken (says nlopc46).
[04:00:01] <buildmaster> i686/iwd is broken (says nlopc46).
[04:00:30] <buildmaster> i686/skrooge is broken (says nlopc46).
[04:02:30] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[04:02:41] -!- buildmaster has joined #archlinux32
[04:02:42] <buildmaster> !rq buildmaster
[04:02:43] <phrik> buildmaster: <buildmaster> I might be insane, but never confused ... ;-)
[04:03:47] <buildmaster> i686/libalkimia is broken (says rechenknecht).
[04:13:49] -!- guys has joined #archlinux32
[05:25:14] -!- slacka123 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[05:55:34] -!- guys has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[06:09:24] -!- guys has joined #archlinux32
[06:29:14] -!- charims has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[07:57:10] -!- guys has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[08:11:38] -!- guys has joined #archlinux32
[08:57:38] -!- deep42thought has joined #archlinux32
[08:57:38] <buildmaster> Hi deep42thought!
[08:57:38] <buildmaster> !rq deep42thought
[08:57:40] <phrik> buildmaster: <deep42thought> computers ranked by dirt: smokers, car mechanics, bedroom, ...
[09:36:43] -!- bill-auger has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[09:57:51] -!- guys has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
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[10:18:13] -!- thePiGrepper has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
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[10:41:28] -!- oaken-source has joined #archlinux32
[11:01:32] -!- bill-auger has joined #archlinux32
[11:56:42] -!- Cthulu201 has joined #archlinux32
[11:57:15] -!- guys has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[12:11:03] -!- guys has joined #archlinux32
[12:54:50] -!- Cthulu201 has quit [Quit: Nowhere special. I always wanted to go there.]
[13:00:39] -!- Cthulu201 has joined #archlinux32
[13:57:56] -!- thePiGrepper has joined #archlinux32
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[15:22:11] -!- slacka123 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[16:00:34] -!- deep42thought has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
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[17:19:04] -!- MrBIOS has joined #archlinux32
[17:46:01] -!- guys has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
[17:49:56] -!- MrBIOS has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[18:09:36] -!- slacka123 has joined #archlinux32
[20:02:19] -!- MrBIOS has joined #archlinux32