#archlinux32 | Logs for 2019-05-22
[00:26:08] -!- thePiGrepper has joined #archlinux32
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[00:44:17] -!- AndrevS has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[03:10:19] -!- MrBIOS_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[05:54:56] -!- MrBIOS has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[08:37:38] -!- thePiGrepper has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[08:39:49] -!- DCyrax has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[09:11:28] -!- eschwartz has joined #archlinux32
[09:12:53] -!- deep42thought has joined #archlinux32
[09:12:54] <buildmaster> Hi deep42thought!
[09:12:54] <buildmaster> !rq deep42thought
[09:12:57] <phrik> buildmaster: <deep42thought> ahm, what is actually in the package "vulkan-headers" on i486? I thought, we disabled all vulcans?
[10:02:14] -!- ubuntuxp has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[10:11:42] -!- thePiGrepper has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
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[10:55:21] -!- AndrevS has joined #archlinux32
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[11:54:27] -!- T`aZ_ has joined #archlinux32
[11:55:43] <T`aZ_> hmm, seems thunderbird needs to be rebuilt, it depends on libicui18n.so.63 (and we are at .64)
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[12:04:25] -!- alexandre9099 has joined #archlinux32
[12:07:54] <djmoch> i've been getting certificate errors trying to access the mirror at 32.arlm.tyzoid.com for several weeks now. anyone else seeing that?
[12:09:57] <bill-auger> i think they fixed that
[12:10:21] <djmoch> really? i just checked a minute ago ...
[12:10:38] -!- MrBIOS has joined #archlinux32
[12:11:47] <bill-auger> i was thinking specifically of git.archlinux32.org
[12:12:01] <bill-auger> that has a cert problem for some time but was fixed recently
[12:12:30] <djmoch> ah, okay. didn't know that.
[12:12:33] <bill-auger> fir the mirrors you can check archweb
[12:13:41] <bill-auger> nm - apparently thats not available https://www.archlinux32.org
[12:13:52] <djmoch> the princeton mirror works fine, so pacman falls back to that
[12:14:45] <djmoch> i'm just making sure tyzoid is aware that their mirror isn't accessible
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[12:17:57] -!- alexandre9099 has joined #archlinux32
[12:22:00] <bill-auger> regardless of the server admin, if the mirror is down it should be removed from the mirrorlist, at least temporarily
[12:24:22] <djmoch> or, barring that, have the kind of mirror status page you were expecting indicate that it's broken
[12:31:54] <djmoch> new question: why is pacman suddenly trying to force me over to the pentium4 architecture when i've been using i686?
[12:33:12] <djmoch> i even set Architecture = i686 in pacman.conf ... then i just get errors about how pentium4 packages don't have a valid architecture
[12:35:38] <deep42thought> djmoch: did you run "pacman -Sy" when you still had "Architecture=auto"?
[12:35:49] <deep42thought> sounds like a "pacman -Syy" might fix your issue
[12:37:07] <djmoch> deep42thought: i did, i've also re-run it since setting Architecuture = i686. i'll try -Syy.
[12:37:35] <deep42thought> I think the second "y" is essential
[12:38:10] <djmoch> you were right
[12:38:15] <djmoch> that fixed it
[12:38:21] <deep42thought> btw: we do indeed only have the status page as json
[12:38:23] <deep42thought> (so far)
[12:38:46] <djmoch> ooh, i didn't know about the json page. that's better than nothing.
[12:39:04] <deep42thought> https://archlinux32.org
[12:39:39] <djmoch> nice!
[12:39:39] <deep42thought> hmm, we're missing the redirect from archlinux32.org/mirrors/json/
[12:39:57] <deep42thought> aeh archlinux32.org/mirrors/status/json
[12:40:13] <djmoch> seem reasonable
[12:40:18] <djmoch> *seems
[12:41:17] <bill-auger> deep42thought: there is still the broken link "Mirror Status" on the home page though
[12:41:42] <deep42thought> yeah
[12:41:45] <deep42thought> I need to fix that
[12:42:58] <bill-auger> i went to report a bug but theres no flyspray category for infrastructure issues
[12:43:34] <deep42thought> and there's no flyspray category for missing flyspray categories, either ;-)
[12:43:38] <bill-auger> i went to report that as a feature request but i fell into an infinite loop
[12:43:49] <bill-auger> lol i notcied that
[12:44:56] <deep42thought> There is an "infrastructure" category now
[12:45:08] <deep42thought> not sure if thats the appropriate name, though
[12:45:09] <bill-auger> no such entity: "no such entity: "no such entity: "no such entity: """""
[12:45:31] <bill-auger> we named it "Servers"
[12:45:58] <deep42thought> I meant whether missing archweb features belong into something named "infrastructure" (or "servers")
[12:47:52] <deep42thought> I'd say, it rather belongs into "source forks", but archweb32 is not really a fork but rather a rewrite ...
[12:48:41] <bill-auger> depends who the audience is - "infrastructure" is more of an expert jargon term - "servers" is probably more commonly understood
[12:49:04] <deep42thought> true
[12:57:35] -!- eschwartz has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
[13:12:12] -!- eschwartz has joined #archlinux32
[14:27:54] -!- ubuntuxp has joined #archlinux32
[14:33:01] -!- thePiGrepper has joined #archlinux32
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[16:01:42] -!- deep42thought has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[16:32:27] -!- MrBIOS has quit [Quit: MrBIOS]
[16:56:08] -!- T`aZ_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[17:32:17] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[17:33:27] -!- buildmaster has joined #archlinux32
[17:33:27] <buildmaster> !rq buildmaster
[17:33:28] <phrik> buildmaster: <buildmaster> I might be insane, but never confused ... ;-)
[18:35:12] -!- abaumann has joined #archlinux32
[18:35:12] <buildmaster> Hi abaumann!
[18:35:12] <buildmaster> !rq abaumann
[18:35:13] <phrik> buildmaster: <abaumann> since systemd promises to provide stable network names I have never seen so many hopping names from release to release :-)
[18:35:20] <abaumann> All I get on my slaves is: find: '/var/lib/archbuild/staging-i686/root/root': Permission denied
[18:35:33] <abaumann> I stopped all of them, I don't know, what's happending here..
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[20:11:48] -!- ofara has joined #archlinux32
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[20:48:53] <aliemjay> hi abumann, I've already tried to patch webkit2gtk for i686 2 weeks ago, I think, but I found it not feasible
[20:49:55] <aliemjay> because the changes were huge and multiple and affect core functionalities
[20:50:35] <aliemjay> take a look at the first changest: https://trac.webkit.org
[20:50:38] <phrik> Title: Changeset 243293 – WebKit (at trac.webkit.org)
[20:51:09] <aliemjay> and they seem to drop if for a reason ;)
[20:51:22] <aliemjay> https://bugs.webkit.org
[20:51:25] <phrik> Title: 194853 – [JSC][x86] Drop support for x87 floating point (at bugs.webkit.org)
[21:09:59] -!- deep42thought has joined #archlinux32
[21:09:59] <buildmaster> Hi deep42thought!
[21:09:59] <buildmaster> !rq deep42thought
[21:10:00] <phrik> buildmaster: <deep42thought> it was too slow - they don't offer that speed anymore, so they rounded down to 0
[21:10:16] <deep42thought> abaumann: this is the new cleanup code for the build chroots
[21:10:26] <deep42thought> unfortunately some stuff in there seems to be owned by root :-/
[21:11:13] <deep42thought> and because "staging-i686-build -c" does not delete everything (as one might expect), I tried to add that functionality to bin/build-packages
[21:11:22] <deep42thought> but unfortunately, this script has no root privileges
[21:11:25] <deep42thought> :-(
[21:11:34] -!- aliemjay has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[21:12:01] <deep42thought> regarding webkit2gtk: I'd say we blacklist it on i686
[21:27:45] <buildmaster> pentium4/dart is broken (says rechenknecht).
[21:32:51] -!- deep42thought has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[21:44:11] -!- MrBIOS has joined #archlinux32
[21:47:28] -!- wyre_ has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[22:23:04] -!- aliemjay has joined #archlinux32
[22:41:02] -!- titus_livius has joined #archlinux32
[23:05:44] <buildmaster> pentium4/badtouch is broken (says nlopc43).
[23:12:39] <buildmaster> pentium4/intel-graphics-compiler is broken (says nlopc43).
[23:31:43] -!- ofara_ has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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[23:36:56] <buildmaster> pentium4/grafana is broken (says buildknecht2).
[23:45:43] <buildmaster> pentium4/sagemath is broken (says rechenknecht).
[23:53:40] <buildmaster> pentium4/arduino is broken (says buildknecht2).
[23:53:41] -!- AndrevS has quit [Remote host closed the connection]