#archlinux32 | Logs for 2019-11-14
[00:00:22] -!- urraka has joined #archlinux32
[00:03:39] -!- samantaz_ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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[00:34:51] -!- urraka has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[00:46:44] -!- urraka has joined #archlinux32
[00:56:16] -!- samantaz_ has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[01:08:19] <urraka> tried building something with rust but it complains "libLLVM-9.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
[01:08:35] <urraka> is this a rust package problem?
[01:13:08] <urraka> system has libLLVM-8 not 9
[03:20:41] -!- urraka has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.6]
[03:26:31] -!- thePiGrepper has joined #archlinux32
[05:30:07] -!- thePiGrepper has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[05:54:31] -!- titus_livius has joined #archlinux32
[06:17:11] -!- DepositePirate has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[06:17:38] -!- DepositePirate has joined #archlinux32
[07:01:58] -!- abaumann has joined #archlinux32
[08:15:38] -!- nit-picker has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[08:19:09] -!- nit-picker has joined #archlinux32
[08:20:59] -!- deep42thought has joined #archlinux32
[08:21:06] <deep42thought> Hi abaumann!
[08:21:21] -!- buildmaster has joined #archlinux32
[08:21:21] <buildmaster> !rq buildmaster
[08:21:22] <phrik> buildmaster: <buildmaster> I might be insane, but never confused ... ;-)
[08:22:24] <deep42thought> buildmaster: you might be absent, sometimes, too
[08:23:19] <abaumann> morning deep42thought
[08:24:11] <deep42thought> how are the news currently generated?
[08:24:16] <abaumann> static page
[08:24:18] <deep42thought> ok
[08:24:22] * deep42thought thought so
[08:24:27] <abaumann> as the bbs is not up yet with the news forum
[08:24:33] <deep42thought> right :-)
[08:24:34] <deep42thought> no hurry
[08:25:10] * abaumann is still fighting with apache to get the configuration nice (and preferably working)
[08:25:21] <deep42thought> not the other way round?
[08:25:46] <abaumann> I made the experience that when the config is simple and looking nicely it usually also works. :-)
[08:25:55] <deep42thought> I'm afraid, I'm not a big help in regards of apache - I used it once, but switched to nginx pretty much right at the beginning
[08:26:01] <deep42thought> !grab abaumann
[08:26:04] <phrik> deep42thought: Tada!
[08:26:21] <abaumann> yeah. I'm using apache since 20 years or so, so I'm kinda used..
[08:26:37] <deep42thought> (and used to)
[08:26:41] <deep42thought> :-D
[08:26:49] <abaumann> lol :-)
[08:27:12] <abaumann> I don't like the error handling and the pseudo-XML
[08:27:14] <abaumann> AH00112: Warning: DocumentRoot [/usr/share/webapps/git/] does not exist
[08:27:23] <abaumann> what about a filename and a line-number?
[08:27:30] <deep42thought> grep -n
[08:27:51] <abaumann> yes, the same developers say, use the debugger and have a look at the code.
[08:27:53] <deep42thought> maybe, the parsing is so abstract, that there really isn't a file name and line number?
[08:28:18] <abaumann> I completly disagree here, as the actors "developer" and "administrator" are clearly separated things, at least historically
[08:28:24] <deep42thought> like in bash: `eval "$(cat /some/file)"` will yield interesting results with regard to line numbers
[08:28:44] <abaumann> sigh.. yes.
[08:28:55] <deep42thought> yes, looking at code to find configuration errors is bad practice (but common for stuff which I wrote)
[08:29:37] <abaumann> that's no problem for scripts and small software, but heavily used standard software should be more developed
[08:29:50] <deep42thought> yes
[08:30:14] <abaumann> apache is weird. sometimes virtual hosts simply point to the wrong virtual host, that's what you had yesterday I suppose?
[08:30:22] <abaumann> there is usually a subtle bug somewhere
[08:30:36] <abaumann> apachectl -S is your friend then
[08:30:36] <deep42thought> yes
[08:30:52] <abaumann> grep /etc/hosts
[08:30:54] <abaumann> for instance.
[08:31:01] <deep42thought> I was redirected from http://bugs.archlinux32.org to https://bugs.archlinux32.org which showed the content of buildmaster.archlinux32.org
[08:31:24] <abaumann> then apache tries to open a virtual host on a external IP, this is wrong, no error is issues and the default virtual host (or the first one configured) is shown.
[08:31:44] <abaumann> bugs.archlinux32.org has another problem. flyspray insists on a setup after restart.
[08:31:58] <deep42thought> what do you mean?
[08:32:00] <abaumann> there is some stange logic in there like: 'if error -> redirect to setup'
[08:32:15] <abaumann> try to open it: you get https://bugs.archlinux32.org
[08:32:32] <abaumann> I also know why. php allowd dirs is just plainly wrong
[08:32:42] <abaumann> *openbase_dir
[08:32:50] <abaumann> I thought, that one was deprecated anyway
[08:33:03] <abaumann> glad to see flyspray has a new maintainer now.
[08:33:21] <abaumann> he announces to throw out php4 compatibility :-)
[08:33:38] <deep42thought> as long as he does not rewrite in ruby ;-)
[08:34:00] <abaumann> I have no fear. :-)
[08:34:21] <abaumann> do we have all customizations in git of flyspray, fluxbb etc.?
[08:34:40] <deep42thought> no
[08:34:45] <abaumann> fluxbb I took the upstream one, which is recent with some patches and the theme.
[08:34:53] <abaumann> so, yes. Let's put them also in our git
[08:34:57] <deep42thought> ok
[08:35:08] <abaumann> also easier to migrate then from alpha to beta for instance
[08:35:13] <deep42thought> yes
[08:35:14] <abaumann> about replication, DRBD is overkill
[08:35:27] <abaumann> most services use mysql and mysql replication might be enough
[08:35:36] <abaumann> at least in a master/slave szenario
[08:35:39] <abaumann> what do you think?
[08:35:43] <deep42thought> if everything is static + mysql, then: yes
[08:36:08] <abaumann> also if you have to rsync an attachment folder, this is not a drama
[08:36:09] <deep42thought> the static part can be checked in in git (or duplicated by rsync) and the rest, well, goes in mysql replication
[08:36:34] <abaumann> if we have dynamic parts (for instance attachments), we can still device a replication scheme for that
[08:36:49] <deep42thought> yes
[08:37:51] <abaumann> ls -al /var/cache/flyspray/
[08:37:52] <abaumann> drwxr-x--- 2 flyspray flyspray 4096 Nov 12 18:41 .
[08:38:04] <abaumann> somebody has really weird ideas about how to package a webapp
[08:38:07] <abaumann> and symlinks everywhere
[08:38:21] <abaumann> something resets those permissions in the background
[08:38:29] <deep42thought> errr
[08:38:38] <abaumann> I changed them yesterday
[08:39:40] <deep42thought> put http into the flyspray group, then?
[08:39:46] <abaumann> tried
[08:39:56] <deep42thought> but it has g-w ... hmmm
[08:40:07] <abaumann> yes.
[08:40:24] <abaumann> I start to doubt people still know how Unix permission are supposed to be used
[08:40:44] <deep42thought> !grab abaumann
[08:40:45] <phrik> deep42thought: Tada!
[08:40:55] <deep42thought> sry for the many grabs
[08:41:05] <abaumann> systemd sysusers can have /etc/groups?
[08:41:05] <deep42thought> well, actually: I'm not sorry ...
[08:41:19] <abaumann> what do I have to restart this time in the systemd universe.
[08:41:36] <deep42thought> dunno
[08:41:55] <abaumann> https://www.freedesktop.org
[08:41:57] <abaumann> aha
[08:41:58] <phrik> Title: sysusers.d (at www.freedesktop.org)
[08:42:18] <abaumann> they kept /etc/fstab, but create a new config file for /etc/passwd and /etc/group
[08:42:41] <abaumann> #Type Name ID
[08:42:44] <abaumann> m authd input
[08:42:51] <abaumann> u httpd 404
[08:43:09] <abaumann> software design is about thinking and usage, something the systemd guys lack..
[08:43:24] <abaumann> ..I just had a terrible fight with systemd timers not behaving and starting in double
[08:44:18] <abaumann> Creating group httpd with gid 970.
[08:44:18] <abaumann> Creating user httpd (n/a) with uid 970 and gid 970.
[08:44:23] <abaumann> splendid!
[08:44:40] <abaumann> and it doesn't clean up
[08:44:47] <deep42thought> is uid 404 already taken? ... or not found?
[08:44:49] <abaumann> so now what? I have to reboot the machine
[08:44:58] <abaumann> this is colossal bullshit!
[08:45:11] <deep42thought> userdel?
[08:45:29] <abaumann> m
[08:45:30] <abaumann> Add a user to a group. If the user or group do not exist yet, they will be implicitly created.
[08:45:45] <abaumann> no explanation what the wrongly labelled fields mean.
[08:46:08] <abaumann> I don't know who did that at systemd, but this is no good.
[08:46:42] <abaumann> bad documentation. missleading naming. reinventing the wheel, configuring the same thing in two places
[08:47:08] <abaumann> this is quality I'm expecting from a Linux distribution inventing their own configuration system in parallel to the Unix one.
[08:47:20] <abaumann> no check for name clashes
[08:47:23] <abaumann> ..
[08:47:36] * abaumann stops now and fetches a tea...
[08:48:29] <abaumann> gid=33(http) groups=972(flyspray),970(httpd)
[08:48:31] <abaumann> cool
[08:48:59] <deep42thought> maybe we can put that stuff in containers and separate the systems somewhat?
[08:49:11] <abaumann> this creates an even bigger maintainance mess IMHO
[08:49:17] <deep42thought> ok
[08:49:44] <abaumann> a webapp is a directory belonging to http
[08:49:55] <abaumann> if you have to start to use containers, then it's already to late
[08:50:07] <deep42thought> yes, true
[08:50:15] <abaumann> the software has to be well written and secure, so it doesn't matter whether flyspray and fluxbb are running under the same httpd user
[08:50:37] <abaumann> containers are an additional layer of security, not a substitute for security-wise badly written code
[08:50:57] <deep42thought> yes, I was just proposing it for simplified administration
[08:51:01] <abaumann> ok, I reconfiger and reboot.. I want to see if the tinc/mysql replication problem reappears
[08:51:10] <abaumann> less is more :-)
[08:51:11] <deep42thought> but if you think, it makes things worse, we do it the bare-metal way instead ;-)
[08:51:17] <abaumann> or more is less? ;-)
[08:51:28] <deep42thought> both
[08:51:31] <abaumann> lol
[08:51:46] -!- Alina-malina has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[08:51:51] <deep42thought> the problem with tinc is some missing dependencies in the systemd units
[08:52:01] <abaumann> ah.
[08:52:13] <deep42thought> tinc needs to start after the network coming up (I think, this is there), but before starting mysqld
[08:52:22] <deep42thought> which, I think, is missing
[08:52:34] -!- Alina-malina has joined #archlinux32
[08:53:05] <abaumann> let's change and see
[08:54:24] <deep42thought> let me try something before you reboot
[08:54:29] <abaumann> ok
[08:55:49] <deep42thought> ok, lets see if it pickes up my additional ordering
[08:57:38] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[08:59:50] -!- trotz has joined #archlinux32
[08:59:51] <trotz> 2019/11/03 05:31 CRIT srv1 PING CRITICAL - Packet loss = 100%
[08:59:51] <trotz> 2019/11/14 08:58 CRIT buildmaster Buildmaster Secure HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - string 'build' not found on 'https://buildmaster-status.archlinux32.org:443/' - 334 bytes in 2.582 second response time
[08:59:51] <trotz> 2019/10/30 02:18 CRIT srv0 Git HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - string 'Archlinux32' not found on 'http://git.archlinux32.org:80/' - 917 bytes in 2.601 second response time
[08:59:52] <trotz> 2019/10/30 02:18 CRIT srv0 Git Secure HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - string 'Archlinux32' not found on 'https://git.archlinux32.org:443/' - 677 bytes in 2.438 second response time
[08:59:52] <trotz> 2019/10/30 02:15 CRIT srv0 SSH connect to address and port 22: No route to host
[09:00:22] <abaumann> the tinc interface doesn't come up at boot
[09:01:03] <abaumann> 2]: Error looking up beta.archlinux32.org port 655: Temporary failure in name resolution
[09:01:06] <abaumann> 2]: Error looking up gamma.archlinux32.org port 6555: Temporary failure in name resolution
[09:01:13] <abaumann> yep tinc starts before the resolver is ready
[09:01:18] <deep42thought> :-(
[09:01:32] <abaumann> you would expect is has a dependency on network-target or so
[09:01:56] <deep42thought> yes, otoh, it brings up a network interface itself, so this might lead to circular dependencies
[09:02:45] <abaumann> mmh. on archlinux32.org it works apparently
[09:03:02] <deep42thought> I have to restart several services manually there after every reboot
[09:03:07] <deep42thought> nginx, iptables
[09:03:12] <deep42thought> (not sure, if tinc, too)
[09:03:18] <abaumann> yeah, so this is also not set up correctly
[09:03:20] <deep42thought> because they also need name resolution
[09:03:23] <deep42thought> yes
[09:03:30] <abaumann> iptables is a henn and egg problem
[09:03:31] <deep42thought> hooray, systemd!
[09:03:35] <deep42thought> yes
[09:03:41] <deep42thought> well, it is *not*
[09:03:47] <abaumann> what I usually to is adding things to /etc/hosts which are used in iptables
[09:04:10] <deep42thought> or you could accept, that your machine is up without a firewall for a few seconds each time ...
[09:04:39] <deep42thought> or you load *very* restrictive firewall rules first and overwrite with the correct ones later
[09:04:54] <abaumann> the first one containing only IPs
[09:05:00] <deep42thought> or none at all
[09:05:07] <abaumann> no firewall
[09:05:10] <deep42thought> -A input -j drop
[09:05:13] <abaumann> ah.
[09:05:17] <abaumann> better :-)
[09:06:31] <abaumann> if you have a bug in the second firewall file, good luck getting to the machine again. ;-)
[09:06:45] <deep42thought> ummm
[09:07:26] <deep42thought> why does systemd have .wants directories, but not .after???
[09:07:41] <abaumann> oeh, good question.
[09:09:30] <abaumann> oups. http://arch32.mirrors.simplysam.us has access denied
[09:09:51] <trotz> 2019/11/14 09:08 OK buildmaster Buildmaster Secure HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 2419 bytes in 0.042 second response time
[09:10:20] <abaumann> yeah. I'll open a bugreport, flyspray is not packages correctly
[09:10:27] <abaumann> *packaged
[09:10:48] <abaumann> I'll put it into git
[09:11:08] <deep42thought> I think, you cannot create repositories on git2.archlinux32.org
[09:11:16] <abaumann> ah. np
[09:11:23] <abaumann> after we migrated git.archlinux32.org
[09:11:43] <abaumann> btw. was gitea heavily used? for pull requests? for issues?
[09:11:54] <deep42thought> not really
[09:12:09] <deep42thought> I think, we can stick with cgit + patch emails
[09:12:27] <deep42thought> well, on second thought, we did asp32 stuff via pull requests
[09:12:41] <abaumann> there is a philosophical question here: do you stick close to upstream to fit expectations of users (so you use fluxbb, flyspray, etc)..
[09:12:56] <abaumann> or do you use software which fits to the job best.
[09:13:01] <abaumann> ah. right.
[09:13:16] <deep42thought> upstream uses mailing lists for git, too
[09:13:35] <abaumann> ah.
[09:13:36] <deep42thought> so cgit+mailing-lists is actually *closer* to upstream than gitea ;-)
[09:13:42] <abaumann> that's true
[09:14:01] <abaumann> gitea was supposed to look like github, when we migrated away from there.
[09:14:10] <abaumann> that was most likely the reasoning
[09:14:28] <deep42thought> yes
[09:14:39] <deep42thought> but we can drop it for cgit, if we like, I think
[09:15:03] <abaumann> I don't mind. And personally I'm using git+cgit anyway
[09:15:15] <deep42thought> ok, we take cgit :-)
[09:15:17] <abaumann> the only issue then is, we have to create a mailing list for patches or so
[09:15:41] <deep42thought> one for all or one for each repository?
[09:15:55] <deep42thought> one for all is probably sufficient, currently
[09:15:55] <abaumann> mh.
[09:16:00] <abaumann> I think so
[09:16:12] <abaumann> the subject should give a hint usually :-)
[09:16:20] <deep42thought> and the content, too ;-)
[09:16:27] <abaumann> preferably ;-)
[09:16:56] <abaumann> you can create an account now in https://bbs.archlinux32.org
[09:18:06] <abaumann> so you have id 2 ;-)
[09:18:37] <deep42thought> is it wise to use the logs-mailing list for forum administration?
[09:18:55] <abaumann> nope
[09:18:59] <abaumann> temporary
[09:19:22] <abaumann> there was none.. well.. for forum administration
[09:19:59] <deep42thought> otoh: it might not be a terribly bad idea to send such stuff to multiple endpoints
[09:20:11] <abaumann> that was the idea
[09:20:29] <abaumann> fluxbb has a really terrible registration method, no wonder, it gets spammed.
[09:21:23] <abaumann> https://fluxbb.org
[09:21:23] <phrik> Title: New reCAPTCHA - FluxBB (at fluxbb.org)
[09:21:25] <abaumann> ah.
[09:21:34] <abaumann> this sounds more reasonable
[09:21:46] <abaumann> also the flyspray text captcha is I think broken
[09:22:03] <abaumann> as much I hate to use Google cloud services, it might be the better option security-wise
[09:26:20] <deep42thought> ok, I'm registered :-)
[09:27:56] <abaumann> oups. I have to upgrade us too as admins.
[09:29:12] <abaumann> so. done.
[09:29:19] <deep42thought> \o/
[09:29:23] <deep42thought> powerrrrr
[09:29:26] <abaumann> now there is a question..
[09:29:37] <abaumann> .. do we keep the forum layout?
[09:29:40] <deep42thought> no
[09:29:57] <deep42thought> but: which layout do we use instead :-/
[09:30:21] <abaumann> I noticed that many people where just posting into the first forum they could find
[09:30:39] <deep42thought> yes
[09:30:49] <deep42thought> because it was not clear, where stuff belonged
[09:31:05] <abaumann> we should make clear, what is for normal users (bugs, help) and where do we put our knowledge base (installation, package building, testing)
[09:31:10] <abaumann> and then there is news
[09:31:24] <abaumann> and administration stuff (installation docu, overview on resources, etc.)
[09:31:31] <abaumann> well, not so bad actually
[09:32:00] <abaumann> https://buildmaster-status.archlinux32.org
[09:32:05] <deep42thought> maybe, we should/could move bugs more thoroughly to the bug tracker?
[09:32:11] <abaumann> yes.
[09:32:20] <deep42thought> this link gives me a 404
[09:32:24] <abaumann> oh.
[09:32:34] <abaumann> https://buildmaster-status.archlinux32.org Arch Linux 32 Forums.html
[09:32:42] <abaumann> sorry. copy-paste problem :-)
[09:32:54] <abaumann> naeh. the structure is actually good
[09:33:13] <abaumann> we just have to make sure to move posting to the right forum part.
[09:33:40] <abaumann> another issue. should we just provide a link to the archive of the old topics and then slowly edit and add stuff when we need it?
[09:34:08] <abaumann> rescued is a bad name
[09:34:32] <abaumann> I have to polish the cached files a little bit, especially because they have broken links everywhere
[09:35:02] <deep42thought> copying the content seems really tedious
[09:35:21] <deep42thought> I would prefer keeping it as-is (with working links) and then moving on with a blank forum
[09:35:32] <abaumann> I would really only do it for news, installation instructions, etc.
[09:35:47] <deep42thought> yes
[09:36:02] <abaumann> maybe the location https://buildmaster-status.archlinux32.org is not really good
[09:36:02] <phrik> Title: Index of /rescued/forum (at buildmaster-status.archlinux32.org)
[09:36:10] <deep42thought> yes
[09:36:27] <abaumann> archive.archlinux32.org is not really meant for that either
[09:36:35] <deep42thought> old.archlinux32.org
[09:36:52] <abaumann> I was suggesting broken.archlinux32.org, but yours wins :-)
[09:36:59] <deep42thought> shadow.archlinux32.org
[09:37:21] <abaumann> nae. old.archlinux32.org is good.
[09:37:47] <deep42thought> ok, I'll put that into dns
[09:38:13] <abaumann> ok. I'll move the files and prepare the apache config
[09:38:28] <abaumann> old stuff needs a certificate of course :-)
[09:38:37] <deep42thought> !grab abaumann
[09:38:38] <phrik> deep42thought: Tada!
[09:38:38] <deep42thought> :-D
[09:39:15] <deep42thought> dns is up
[09:39:25] <deep42thought> btw: the default host seems to be the forum
[09:39:35] <deep42thought> I would like to have some error page on the default host
[09:39:54] <deep42thought> because, usually it is an error when you reach the buildmaster with a wrong server name
[09:40:12] <abaumann> good you mention that. yes
[09:40:23] <abaumann> the default is buildmaster.archlinux32.org which redirects everything
[09:40:24] <deep42thought> this is also suboptimal on archlinux32.org
[09:40:41] <deep42thought> I get the forum with https://old.archlinux32.org
[09:40:47] <abaumann> yes
[09:40:51] <abaumann> not configured yet.
[09:41:01] <deep42thought> so it's not the default?
[09:41:07] <deep42thought> *not showing the default
[09:42:34] <abaumann> well. if buildmaster.archlinux32.org is supposed to redirect it cannot serve the same purpose as default page
[09:42:41] <abaumann> I could use alpha.archlinux32.org
[09:42:46] <abaumann> as technical fallback
[09:43:01] <deep42thought> yes
[09:43:13] <deep42thought> which only shows some static 404 or whatever
[09:43:31] <abaumann> in our company we always had the strict policy that machine names have machine domains (preferably cryptic ones) and services and webpages have additional names
[09:43:36] <abaumann> exactly
[09:43:37] <deep42thought> the point is, that old.archlinux32.org does *not* redirect to archlinux32.org/buildmaster
[09:43:47] <abaumann> yep
[09:43:54] <deep42thought> s/does/did/
[10:03:40] <abaumann> oh. I get the full archived packages onto my backup server. sweet. :-)
[10:03:49] <deep42thought> yes :-)
[10:03:59] <deep42thought> only the repository files are missing
[10:04:04] <deep42thought> but I think, that is ok
[10:04:17] <abaumann> yes.
[10:05:15] <abaumann> https://alpha.archlinux32.org
[10:05:24] <abaumann> https://old.archlinux32.org
[10:05:24] <phrik> Title: Index of / (at old.archlinux32.org)
[10:05:32] <deep42thought> great! :-)
[10:06:02] <abaumann> urraka: can confirm rust on stable on pentium4 has a "libLLVM-9.so" issue
[10:06:27] <abaumann> we should maybe force move llvm-libs on pentium4
[10:06:37] <deep42thought> will do
[10:06:57] <abaumann> no clue, why it moved on i686 and not on pentium4
[10:07:21] <deep42thought> they are stuck in staging :-/
[10:08:06] <deep42thought> llvm-libs-9.0.0-3.1-pentium4.pkg.tar.xz is now in [extra]
[10:08:20] <abaumann> llvm-libs 9.0.0-3.0
[10:08:25] <abaumann> on stable i686
[10:08:28] <abaumann> in staging?
[10:08:31] <abaumann> in pentium4
[10:08:32] <abaumann> weird
[10:08:35] <deep42thought> I just moved it
[10:08:40] <deep42thought> it's now in [extra]
[10:08:59] <abaumann> I'm currently trying to fix rust 1.39 from 1.38 builds on eurobuild6.. not there yet
[10:10:47] <nit-picker> key 2FF1E976D6EB2E954A87DC14443904EC9EC51A8A (from Roelf Wichertjes (archlinux32 master key) <contact@roelf.org>) in package archlinux32-keyring-transition-20191103-1-any.pkg.tar.xz expires on 2019-11-13 (in 0 < 100 days).
[10:11:10] <abaumann> lol
[10:11:55] <abaumann> I'm readding the BBS structure..
[10:17:58] <deep42thought> Can one manually set the taskid in flyspray?
[10:18:06] <abaumann> nope
[10:18:15] <abaumann> things have to be added in order
[10:18:36] <abaumann> well. maybe we could manipulate te flyspray database, but..
[10:19:15] <abaumann> the problem are really the FS32# references, you don't want to rewrite the git log and stuff
[10:19:25] <deep42thought> yep
[10:19:48] <abaumann> no worries. I'll write an ugly script to deal with that.
[10:19:49] <deep42thought> we could add dummy-bugs for the unknown ones :-/
[10:19:54] <abaumann> exactly
[10:20:05] <deep42thought> ok, script sounds reasonable :-)
[10:20:10] <abaumann> I have the overview pages (google/bing search results), so the titles are reconstructable
[10:20:22] <abaumann> but, I don't want to do this manually, I'll write a script for a bulk import
[10:20:27] <deep42thought> overview of *all* bugs? not just the unresolved ones?
[10:20:34] <deep42thought> yeah, sure
[10:20:41] <abaumann> Let's see
[10:20:43] <abaumann> not sure.
[10:21:12] <abaumann> when caching the web pages my brian was sort of in a hiatus when clicking on all those Google captchas..
[10:21:21] <deep42thought> :-D
[10:21:37] <abaumann> ..they should have much better self-driving cars now, given the amount of training material I provided. ;-)
[10:22:05] <deep42thought> I know this feeling: doing hundrets of laser shots (manually) just to discover, that your spectrometer was on auto-trigger, but not on auto-save ...
[10:22:18] <deep42thought> !grab abaumann
[10:22:19] <phrik> deep42thought: Bazinga!
[10:22:56] <abaumann> :-)
[10:23:37] <abaumann> !grab deep42thought
[10:23:38] <phrik> abaumann: Tada!
[10:23:45] <abaumann> did I grab a grab now? ;-)
[10:23:49] <deep42thought> yes
[10:23:51] <deep42thought> I believe so
[10:23:54] <abaumann> dough
[10:23:59] <deep42thought> !q deep42thought
[10:23:59] <phrik> deep42thought: <deep42thought> !grab abaumann
[10:24:03] <deep42thought> :-D
[10:24:03] <abaumann> lol
[10:25:03] <deep42thought> let's try again - ready?
[10:25:05] <deep42thought> I know this feeling: doing hundrets of laser shots (manually) just to discover, that your spectrometer was on auto-trigger, but not on auto-save ...
[10:25:12] <abaumann> !grab deep42thought
[10:25:13] <phrik> abaumann: Tada!
[10:25:24] <abaumann> !regrab
[10:25:24] <phrik> Tada!
[10:25:28] <abaumann> oh :-)
[10:25:32] <abaumann> sorry
[10:25:33] <deep42thought> what's that?
[10:25:36] <deep42thought> !q deep42thought
[10:25:37] <phrik> deep42thought: <deep42thought> I know this feeling: doing hundrets of laser shots (manually) just to discover, that your spectrometer was on auto-trigger, but not on auto-save ...
[10:25:42] <abaumann> no clue
[10:26:00] <deep42thought> it's not in the manual :-/
[10:26:42] <deep42thought> !help regrep
[10:26:43] <phrik> deep42thought: Error: There is no command "regrep".
[10:26:54] <deep42thought> !help regrab
[10:26:55] <phrik> deep42thought: Error: There is no command "regrab".
[10:26:59] <deep42thought> hmm
[10:28:53] <deep42thought> what email address do we want to use for the git-patch mailing list?
[10:28:58] <deep42thought> patches@archlinux32.org?
[10:29:01] <abaumann> rust works. :-)
[10:29:06] <deep42thought> \o/
[10:29:11] <abaumann> mmh. what's upstream?
[10:29:17] <abaumann> never used them
[10:29:17] <deep42thought> pacman-dev
[10:29:29] <abaumann> yeah, but that's for developing on pacman
[10:29:50] <abaumann> package-patches@archlinux32.org is too long maybe
[10:30:21] <deep42thought> upstream does not handle package sources via git/mailing-lists/publicly
[10:30:34] <abaumann> ah.
[10:30:40] <abaumann> well, patches@archlinux32.org sound nice
[10:30:51] <deep42thought> but they do handle their git stuff this way (e.g. pacman, aur)
[10:30:59] <deep42thought> ok, "patches" it is :-)
[10:31:19] <abaumann> sed-fu@archlinux32.org would also have been an option ;-)
[10:31:29] <deep42thought> this is my new favourite
[10:32:22] <abaumann> thought so :-)
[10:32:39] <deep42thought> sed-fu is better than fu-sed ;-)
[10:34:32] <deep42thought> hmm, the buildmaster does not automatically come online after a reboot anymore :-(
[10:35:01] -!- buildmaster has joined #archlinux32
[10:35:01] <buildmaster> !rq buildmaster
[10:35:03] <phrik> buildmaster: <buildmaster> I might be insane, but never confused ... ;-)
[10:35:55] <abaumann> https://bbs.archlinux32.org
[10:35:57] <deep42thought> buildmaster: what's up?
[10:35:57] <buildmaster> up? I'm up for 1 hour, 37 minutes, load average: 1.88, 1.63, 1.56
[10:36:07] <deep42thought> whoah, nice :-)
[10:36:26] <abaumann> structure is back, but still, we should wait to make it public. It was down now for 3 weeks, so no hurry really.
[10:36:44] <deep42thought> yeah, I'd just like to get the news section back
[10:36:55] <deep42thought> than we can put an announcement about all this on archlinxu32.org
[10:37:00] <abaumann> Ah, yes.
[10:37:30] <abaumann> Was news a special sticky topic in Announcements?
[10:37:32] <deep42thought> the Plugins seem to be broken
[10:37:39] <abaumann> which plugins?
[10:37:45] <abaumann> rss? atom?
[10:37:47] <deep42thought> "Profile spam" "Zombies"
[10:37:55] <deep42thought> I was just randomly clicking around
[10:38:06] <abaumann> yeah. don't know it they are supposed to work, they come from upstream
[10:38:15] <deep42thought> news was a rss-feed from all threads in Announcements (first post only)
[10:38:21] <deep42thought> lol
[10:38:54] <abaumann> aha.
[10:39:07] <deep42thought> I think, there is a plugin for that
[10:39:13] <abaumann> So, I have to copy them in reverse order and later manipulate the date in the db a little bit :-)
[10:39:15] <deep42thought> (that's why I clicked through the plugins section)
[10:39:36] <abaumann> I didn't install any plugins yet..
[10:39:52] <deep42thought> but there are two in the menu (no offense)
[10:39:56] <abaumann> ..the google recaptcha will be the first one I'll try
[10:40:02] <deep42thought> :-D
[10:40:07] <abaumann> yes, because they were in the git repo from upstream
[10:40:22] <deep42thought> "upstream" = "archlinux"?
[10:40:26] <abaumann> yes.
[10:40:41] <abaumann> https://github.com
[10:40:43] <phrik> Title: GitHub - archlinux/archbbs: Arch customized FluxBB install (at github.com)
[10:40:48] <deep42thought> so, this is now *really* the first service we are forking from them :-)
[10:40:58] <abaumann> true :-)
[10:41:19] <abaumann> I think, it was so before.
[10:41:27] <abaumann> the look and feel came from there at least
[10:41:30] <deep42thought> well, it looks good, so I don't care
[10:41:50] <abaumann> I'm still searching for the corresponding flyspry thingy
[10:42:07] <abaumann> the default one doesn't look nice, the upstream one does.
[10:42:08] <deep42thought> I think, there was manual work involved
[10:42:17] <deep42thought> well, we used the default IIRC
[10:42:43] <abaumann> yep
[10:43:15] <deep42thought> does that help: https://git.archlinux.org
[10:43:16] <phrik> Title: vhosts/bugs.archlinux.org.git - Arch customized Flyspray installation (at git.archlinux.org)
[10:44:02] <deep42thought> this also exists for the forums: https://git.archlinux.org
[10:44:03] <phrik> Title: vhosts/bbs.archlinux.org.git - Arch customized FluxBB install (at git.archlinux.org)
[10:44:19] <deep42thought> but it's probably one layer to much for what we want ...
[10:44:28] <abaumann> oh.
[10:44:44] <abaumann> I'll have to look
[10:45:54] <abaumann> let me just add an ugly news list, so you can play with the RSS integration into archlinux32.org
[10:46:03] <deep42thought> yeah, thanks!
[10:46:03] <abaumann> I'll just copy paste the text.
[10:46:54] <abaumann> I do all this as admin, so it's clear that this is content not from me or you.
[10:47:02] <deep42thought> good idea
[10:47:39] <abaumann> oh. only moderators should be able to post there :-)
[10:48:25] <deep42thought> replies should be fine
[10:48:55] <abaumann> really
[10:49:06] <deep42thought> we had a hidden forum - do we still want that?
[10:49:20] <deep42thought> obviously, it's not in the google cache ;-)
[10:49:23] <abaumann> mmh. we can add it when we need it.
[10:49:26] <abaumann> exactly :-)
[10:49:27] <deep42thought> ok
[10:51:47] <abaumann> oh. I have a meeting in 15 Minutes or so..
[10:51:59] <abaumann> I'll finish that and continue after lunch..
[10:52:05] <deep42thought> ok, np
[10:53:35] <abaumann> ok, cu later
[10:53:37] -!- abaumann has quit [Quit: leaving]
[11:15:38] <nit-picker> key 2FF1E976D6EB2E954A87DC14443904EC9EC51A8A (from Roelf Wichertjes (archlinux32 master key) <contact@roelf.org>) in package archlinux32-keyring-20191103-1.0-any.pkg.tar.xz expires on 2019-11-13 (in 0 < 100 days).
[11:36:30] <deep42thought> I think, we do not need a separate subdomain for news - on can simply subscribe to the rss freed provided by fluxbb itself
[11:37:53] -!- abaumann has joined #archlinux32
[11:37:53] <buildmaster> Hi abaumann!
[11:37:53] <buildmaster> !rq abaumann
[11:37:54] <phrik> buildmaster: <abaumann> I start to get allergic shocks just by having to deal with rust.. :-)
[11:37:58] <deep42thought> Hi abaumann!
[11:38:04] <abaumann> hi deep42thought
[11:38:06] <abaumann> short meeting..
[11:38:10] <deep42thought> :-)
[11:38:45] <deep42thought> you think, we can trash news.archlinux32.org?
[11:39:04] <deep42thought> I see no value in a separate subdomain for the forum's rss feed
[11:39:35] <abaumann> yeah. but under which subdomain to we publish it?
[11:39:43] <deep42thought> bbs.archlinux32.org/...
[11:39:51] <abaumann> ok
[11:54:23] <deep42thought> how about putting the mailing list under lists.archlinux32.org?
[11:56:15] <abaumann> and setting up a majordomo?
[11:56:27] <abaumann> well, the problem will be the mailserver (postfix)
[11:56:42] <abaumann> we have to be able to mail via mail.archlinux32.org
[11:57:01] <abaumann> I'm not biggest fan of setting up majordomos, they tend to be a little bit - archaic..
[11:57:09] <abaumann> put the domain is ok.
[12:01:35] <deep42thought> does the mailing list need to be able to mail from (lists.)archlinux32.org?
[12:03:34] <abaumann> it's easier, as there are virtual users like subscribe@... which have hooks.
[12:03:44] <abaumann> I set up my last majordomo 5 years ago or so..
[12:03:50] <abaumann> let's see if I find documentation
[12:04:37] <deep42thought> is majordomo some piece of software? never heard of it. What does it do?
[12:04:44] <deep42thought> (I use mailman for mailing lists)
[12:07:53] <abaumann> ah. that might be simpler
[12:13:07] <abaumann> oh. the news are back :-)
[12:21:24] <deep42thought> gotta go now - cu later!
[12:23:12] <abaumann> cu
[12:23:30] -!- deep42thought has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[12:28:56] <trotz> 2019/11/14 12:28 CRIT srv1 News Secure HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/2.0 200 - string 'Archlinux32' not found on 'https://news.archlinux32.org:443/' - 22538 bytes in 1.497 second response time
[12:29:58] * abaumann reconfigures nagios to silence trotz
[12:45:40] <abaumann> news.archlinux32.org points now to archlinux32.org, where there is a certificate error, there is a certbot, but I don't like the idea to update the certs
[12:50:58] <trotz> 2019/11/14 12:50 CRIT buildmaster Bug Tracker HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden - string 'Add' not found on 'http://bugs.archlinux32.org:80/' - 1543 bytes in 0.041 second response time
[12:50:58] <trotz> 1970/01/01 01:00 OK buildmaster Bug Tracker Certificate OK - Certificate 'buildmaster.archlinux32.org' will expire on Wed 12 Feb 2020 10:29:54 AM GMT +0000.
[12:50:58] <trotz> 2019/11/14 12:50 CRIT buildmaster Bug Tracker Secure HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden - string 'Add' not found on 'https://bugs.archlinux32.org:443/' - 1302 bytes in 0.042 second response time
[12:50:58] <trotz> 2019/11/14 12:50 CRIT buildmaster Forum HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden - string 'Pacman' not found on 'http://bbs.archlinux32.org:80/' - 1541 bytes in 0.044 second response time
[12:50:59] <trotz> 1970/01/01 01:00 OK buildmaster Forum Certificate OK - Certificate 'buildmaster.archlinux32.org' will expire on Wed 12 Feb 2020 10:29:54 AM GMT +0000.
[12:50:59] <trotz> 2019/11/14 12:50 CRIT buildmaster Forum Secure HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden - string 'Pacman' not found on 'https://bbs.archlinux32.org:443/' - 1301 bytes in 0.031 second response time
[12:51:00] <trotz> 2019/11/14 12:50 CRIT buildmaster Git HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - string 'Archlinux32' not found on 'http://git.archlinux32.org:80/' - 917 bytes in 0.033 second response time
[12:51:00] <trotz> 1970/01/01 01:00 OK buildmaster Git Certificate OK - Certificate 'buildmaster.archlinux32.org' will expire on Wed 12 Feb 2020 10:29:54 AM GMT +0000.
[12:51:01] <trotz> 2019/11/14 12:50 CRIT buildmaster Git Secure HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - string 'Archlinux32' not found on 'https://git.archlinux32.org:443/' - 677 bytes in 0.037 second response time
[12:51:01] <trotz> 2019/11/14 12:50 CRIT buildmaster News Secure HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/2.0 200 - string 'Archlinux32' not found on 'https://news.archlinux32.org:443/' - 22538 bytes in 1.291 second response time
[12:51:06] <abaumann> ohje.
[12:53:57] <trotz> 2019/11/14 12:53 CRIT buildmaster Bug Tracker HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden - string 'Add' not found on 'http://bugs.archlinux32.org:80/' - 1543 bytes in 0.031 second response time
[12:54:57] <trotz> 2019/11/14 12:54 CRIT buildmaster Bug Tracker Secure HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden - string 'Add' not found on 'https://bugs.archlinux32.org:443/' - 1302 bytes in 0.026 second response time
[12:54:57] <trotz> 2019/11/14 12:54 CRIT buildmaster Forum HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden - string 'Pacman' not found on 'http://bbs.archlinux32.org:80/' - 1541 bytes in 0.051 second response time
[12:54:57] <trotz> 2019/11/14 12:54 CRIT buildmaster Forum Secure HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden - string 'Pacman' not found on 'https://bbs.archlinux32.org:443/' - 1301 bytes in 0.053 second response time
[12:54:57] <trotz> 2019/11/14 12:54 CRIT buildmaster Git HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - string 'Archlinux32' not found on 'http://git.archlinux32.org:80/' - 917 bytes in 0.030 second response time
[12:54:57] <trotz> 2019/11/14 12:54 CRIT buildmaster Git Secure HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - string 'Archlinux32' not found on 'https://git.archlinux32.org:443/' - 677 bytes in 0.027 second response time
[13:01:49] * abaumann silencing nagios/trotz sort of back-fired :-)
[13:25:18] <abaumann> we have to discuss the mail setup. I have to be able to relay to arclinux32.org, this must be a full mailserver, otherwise I cannot send out registration/notification emails. It worked for us to because we are on the admin mail list
[13:33:14] <abaumann> that's why there was this mail.tyzoid.com :-)
[13:34:46] <abaumann> I'm I the only one who lost the CA of let's encrypt in Firefox?
[13:44:54] <abaumann> an expired certificatefrom 2017, nice :-)
[13:51:11] -!- buildmaster has quit [*.net *.split]
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[14:58:21] <abaumann> mail setup: basically, either the buildmaster runs in its own domain with its own MX record or we have to allow relaying from the buildmaster (and from the whole alpha, beta cluster) on the current mailserver of archlinux32.org
[15:01:28] <abaumann> laters.. :-)
[15:01:29] -!- abaumann has quit [Quit: leaving]
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[15:36:11] <buildmaster> i686/parity-ethereum is broken (says rechenknecht): https://archlinux32.org
[16:06:21] <buildmaster> pentium4/parity-ethereum is broken (says buildknecht2): https://archlinux32.org
[16:23:21] <buildmaster> i486/botan is broken (says eurobuild6-7-i486): https://archlinux32.org
[16:29:35] <nit-picker> dependencies of python-pyaudio-0.2.11-2.3-i486.pkg.tar.xz (built on 2019-02-23) differ between the package and our database
[16:50:35] -!- abaumann has joined #archlinux32
[16:50:35] <buildmaster> Hi abaumann!
[16:50:36] <buildmaster> !rq abaumann
[16:50:37] <phrik> buildmaster: <abaumann> I like hacking tools :-)
[16:53:34] <buildmaster> i486/opendht is broken (says eurobuild6-7-i486): https://archlinux32.org
[16:55:52] <abaumann> ui. tons of changes ahead: https://buildmaster-status.archlinux32.org I'll kick in eurobuild6 and eurobuild3 after the rust build has finished.
[16:55:53] <phrik> Title: Buildmaster for Archlinux32 packages (i486, i686, pentium4, any) (at buildmaster-status.archlinux32.org)
[16:55:56] <buildmaster> girls, please have a look at my dirty database
[16:55:56] * buildmaster goes insane.
[16:56:02] <abaumann> thought so.
[16:56:21] <abaumann> the buildmaster got scared because of the tons of updates ;-)
[16:57:00] <abaumann> https://buildmaster.archlinux32.org
[16:57:01] <phrik> Title: result of archlinux32 build master's sanity checksanity of the buildmaster's mysql database (at buildmaster.archlinux32.org)
[16:57:10] <abaumann> mismatches between mirror and database state it seems
[17:32:04] * abaumann doesn't touch the mysqldb of the buildmaster as he messes up things usually. :-)
[17:32:08] -!- abaumann has quit [Quit: leaving]
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[19:22:15] <abaumann> "All (re)entering bugs and no backup makes Andreas a dull boy."
[19:27:30] <abaumann> the rsnapshot backup get shut down with "unexpectedky closed". The hoster plays some tricks here?
[19:28:06] <abaumann> well, if they would have a payable plan for a on-site backup, I wouldn't complain..
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[22:40:28] <urraka> overnight fix :o
[22:40:35] <urraka> feels like premium service
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[22:52:57] <urraka> and now i checked the logs so, thanks! :)
[22:53:33] -!- deep42thought has joined #archlinux32
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[22:54:33] <buildmaster> !rq buildmaster
[22:54:34] <phrik> buildmaster: <buildmaster> I might be insane, but never confused ... ;-)
[22:54:54] <deep42thought> abaumann: It seems like a good idea to move the archlinux32.org MX to some (one or many) diversely-administrated machines (alpha or beta would suite well)
[23:14:29] -!- thePiGrepper has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[23:22:47] <buildmaster> i486/openexr is broken (says nlopc46-i486bs0): https://archlinux32.org
[23:39:53] -!- deep42thought has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[23:40:13] <buildmaster> i686/boost is broken (says eurobuild6-5): https://archlinux32.org