#archlinux32 | Logs for 2020-02-11

[00:37:14] <buildmaster> i486/qt5-3d is broken (says nlopc46-i486bs0): https://archlinux32.org
[00:48:32] -!- City-busz has quit [Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.]
[00:49:40] -!- City-busz has joined #archlinux32
[01:27:35] -!- isacdaavid has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[02:24:17] -!- MrBIOS has joined #archlinux32
[03:35:03] -!- MrBIOS has quit [Quit: MrBIOS]
[04:04:54] -!- finsternis has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[04:06:33] -!- finsternis has joined #archlinux32
[04:14:30] -!- finsternis has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[04:15:03] -!- KeiraT has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[04:15:07] -!- DepositePirate has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[04:21:40] -!- finstern1s has joined #archlinux32
[04:22:37] finstern1s is now known as finsternis
[04:29:14] -!- skydrome has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[04:30:05] -!- skydrome has joined #archlinux32
[05:09:45] -!- skydrome has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[05:28:47] <buildmaster> i686/signal-desktop is broken (says nlopc46): https://archlinux32.org
[05:29:21] <buildmaster> pentium4/signal-desktop is broken (says eurobuild6-1): https://archlinux32.org
[05:29:30] <buildmaster> any/ttf-ibm-plex is broken (says nlopc46): https://archlinux32.org
[06:02:03] <nit-picker> key A0B250C0FC9FC079EC04ADB7A50C0F20AEC3AF00 (from Polichronucci (Arch Linux 32 Master Key) <polichronucci@archlinux.gr>) in package archlinux32-keyring-transition-20200113-1.0-any.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2020-05-05 (in 84 < 100 days).
[07:42:16] -!- skydrome has joined #archlinux32
[07:59:48] -!- DepositePirate has joined #archlinux32
[08:50:37] -!- dopsi has quit [Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in]
[08:52:15] -!- dopsi has joined #archlinux32
[09:00:16] -!- deep42thought has joined #archlinux32
[09:00:16] <buildmaster> Hi deep42thought!
[09:00:16] <buildmaster> !rq deep42thought
[09:00:17] <phrik> buildmaster: <deep42thought> db-update --fuck-up
[09:31:10] <nit-picker> key A0B250C0FC9FC079EC04ADB7A50C0F20AEC3AF00 (from Polichronucci (Arch Linux 32 Master Key) <polichronucci@archlinux.gr>) in package archlinux32-keyring-20200113-1.0-any.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2020-05-05 (in 83 < 100 days).
[09:38:39] -!- bill-auger has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[09:38:55] -!- bill-auger has joined #archlinux32
[09:44:25] <nit-picker> abaumann: your slave eurobuild6-2 builds any/testssl.sh for more than a day, now (2 day(s) 17:20:39)
[11:33:04] -!- bill-auger has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[11:35:41] -!- bill-auger has joined #archlinux32
[12:05:44] -!- DepositePirate has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[12:08:10] -!- DepositePirate has joined #archlinux32
[13:18:06] -!- trotz has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[13:20:47] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[13:21:57] -!- trotz has joined #archlinux32
[13:21:57] -!- trotz has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[13:24:00] -!- buildmaster has joined #archlinux32
[13:24:00] <buildmaster> !rq buildmaster
[13:24:00] <phrik> buildmaster: <buildmaster> I might be insane, but never confused ... ;-)
[13:24:45] -!- trotz has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[13:25:56] -!- trotz has joined #archlinux32
[13:26:23] -!- trotz has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[13:26:30] -!- trotz has joined #archlinux32
[13:27:19] <deep42thought> abaumann: since when does trotz try to oper in the channel? "IN: `:tolkien.freenode.net 482 trotz #archlinux32 :You're not a channel operator'"
[13:29:13] -!- abaumann has joined #archlinux32
[13:29:13] <buildmaster> Hi abaumann!
[13:29:13] <buildmaster> !rq abaumann
[13:29:14] <phrik> buildmaster: * abaumann killed a borg on the builmaster
[13:29:17] <deep42thought> Hi abaumann!
[13:29:19] <abaumann> deep42thought: isn't that what is in /etc/systemd/system/nagircbot.service?
[13:29:24] <abaumann> hi deep42thought
[13:29:31] <deep42thought> yes, it should join
[13:29:45] <abaumann> I had to rebuild it due to a glibc dependency and update
[13:29:47] <deep42thought> but it looks, like the network refuses him, because he tries some operator commands or so
[13:34:23] <deep42thought> maybe I should give you write access to my archlinuxewe repository, too
[13:34:28] <deep42thought> so you can rebuild more easily
[13:34:59] <deep42thought> btw: have you noticed, that there are rarely any green dots in the graph lately?
[13:37:03] <deep42thought> even the legend for success vanished O.oi
[13:37:07] <deep42thought> this cannot be right
[13:39:51] <deep42thought> oh, it *is* right: if no package was built successfully for one week, the green label will also vanish
[13:52:52] <abaumann> no packages rebuild for a week? this doesn't seem right..
[13:53:07] <deep42thought> yeah, I'm currently checking why lm_sensors is not being handed out
[13:53:33] <abaumann> testssl.sh hangs. cool.
[13:54:04] <abaumann> a package for testing SSL?
[13:54:12] <abaumann> and just that? what is that for?
[13:54:14] <deep42thought> on the build slaves, apparently ;-)
[13:54:30] <deep42thought> checkdepends=(testssl.sh)
[13:54:47] <deep42thought> goes right into openssl's PKGBUILD
[13:55:07] <abaumann> aeh. ok.
[13:55:58] <abaumann> bash ./testssl.sh --ssl-native -q --ip=one --color 0 -t nntp news.newsguy.com:119
[13:56:26] <deep42thought> :-)
[13:56:50] <deep42thought> maybe we can ddos this domain by building this package on multiple slaves in parallel >:-)
[13:57:42] <deep42thought> I would like to ban net access during build() and check() automatically
[14:12:18] <deep42thought> lm_sensors claims to makedepends on rrdtools
[14:12:25] <deep42thought> but pacman does not even know this one O.o
[14:13:49] <abaumann> rrdtools is for graphing sensor data IIRC
[14:13:55] <deep42thought> no
[14:13:58] <deep42thought> it's "rrdtool"
[14:14:02] <deep42thought> (without the "s")
[14:14:14] <deep42thought> no idea, how this could have happened
[14:15:14] <abaumann> mmh. typo in PKGBUILD?
[14:15:21] <deep42thought> no, it's all right
[14:15:29] <abaumann> mmh.
[14:15:41] <deep42thought> ah, damn
[14:15:43] <deep42thought> you're right
[14:15:48] <deep42thought> our *modification* was wrong
[14:15:48] <abaumann> :-)
[14:16:13] <abaumann> I don't remember changing anything notime ;-)
[14:16:50] <deep42thought> 805a5d24 (Andreas Baumann 2019-12-20 10:55:59 +0100
[14:16:54] <deep42thought> it's your typo ;-)
[14:17:40] <deep42thought> lm_sensors is still no reason to block the whole build-list, though
[14:17:50] * abaumann whistles
[14:17:53] <abaumann> sorry :-)
[14:18:05] <deep42thought> np
[14:19:00] <deep42thought> ah, lm_sensors blocks mesa
[14:19:06] <deep42thought> which blocks qt5-base
[14:19:09] <deep42thought> which blocks quite alot
[14:19:43] <deep42thought> hmm intel-compute-runtime
[14:22:09] -!- girls has quit [Quit: ZNC 1.7.5 - https://znc.in]
[14:23:09] -!- girls has joined #archlinux32
[14:23:09] <buildmaster> Hi girls!
[14:23:09] <buildmaster> !rq girls
[14:23:10] <phrik> buildmaster: <girls> isn't that a typo? shouldn't it be "haskell-base-combat-batteries"?
[14:39:22] -!- abaumann has parted #archlinux32
[14:45:54] <buildmaster> i486/binutils are broken (says eurobuild6-7-i486): https://archlinux32.org
[14:47:01] <deep42thought> abaumann: broken sudo on your build slave? ^
[14:47:34] <deep42thought> or broken devtools32? :-/
[15:00:41] <buildmaster> pentium4/binutils are broken (says eurobuild6-1): https://archlinux32.org
[15:08:47] <buildmaster> i686/binutils are broken (says nlopc46): https://archlinux32.org
[15:19:57] <buildmaster> pentium4/gcc is broken (says eurobuild6-1): https://archlinux32.org
[15:21:13] <deep42thought> this seems to be a bug in devtools32 - though I'm not aware of having changed anything lately ...
[15:23:23] <deep42thought> maybe the new glibc breaks sudo?
[15:34:09] <deep42thought> warning: the new glibc will make ssh connections fail (in [staging], currently)
[15:36:07] -!- deep42thought has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[15:37:51] <buildmaster> pentium4/glibc is broken (says eurobuild6-1): https://archlinux32.org
[15:38:45] <buildmaster> i486/glibc is broken (says eurobuild6-7-i486): https://archlinux32.org
[15:40:46] <buildmaster> i686/glibc is broken (says rechenknecht): https://archlinux32.org
[17:08:06] <buildmaster> any/testssl.sh is broken (says nlopc46): https://archlinux32.org
[17:10:12] <buildmaster> any/python-jack-client is broken (says eurobuild6-1): https://archlinux32.org
[17:46:05] -!- KeiraT has joined #archlinux32
[19:13:08] -!- AndrevS has joined #archlinux32
[19:22:56] -!- skydrome has quit [Quit: Birds are and always have been reincarnated old men with Tourette's syndrome having somehow managed to dupe the reproductive saga.]
[19:27:42] -!- skydrome has joined #archlinux32
[23:49:49] -!- AndrevS has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]